Downloading and Uploading Data with Mass Change

Using Mass Change, you can download data from a single table to a sequential file. Conversely, you can upload that data back to the table from the sequential file. The Download/Upload procedure consists of two phases:

  • Preparing the file or table structure.

  • Generating the file/populate the table.

Preparing the File or Table Structure




The purpose of this phase is to rewrite the MASSLAYO.SQC to reflect the table layout of the table you’re downloading. This rewrites part of the Mass Change SQR so that you can do the next step. Do this on a local version of the Mass Change SQCs, not your network copy. The MASSLAYO.SQC To Be Updated field is where you specify the actual copy of MASSLAYO.SQC to be rewritten. You may need to modify your SQR environment variables to ensure that you are executing the local copy of Mass Change.


This step is similar to the first phase in downloading, explained in the previous section. The Mass Change SQR needs to rewrite itself, so that it can upload the data. Specify the file to be uploaded in the Download/Upload Data File field. Remember that this file contains a copy of the MASSLAYO.SQC, which was used to download the table as well as the actual table data.

Generating the File or Populating the Table




After completing the first step, you’re ready to download the data to a sequential file. This file contains a copy of MASSLAYO.SQC that you generated in the previous step, as well as the actual table data. Specify the filename that will store this data in the Download/Upload Data File field. Keep track of this file, in case you need to upload the data later on.


After completing the first step, you’re ready to upload the file data to the table it was downloaded from. Specify the file to be uploaded in the Download/Upload Data File field.

Note: Your SQR environment variables must be set to execute the local copy of Mass Change. A common mistake is to update a local copy of MASSLAYO.SQC in the file preparation step, but then use the network copy of MASSLAYO.SQC when executing Mass Change, due to improper setting of your SQR environment variables.