Understanding Bulk Operations

PeopleTools enables administrators to perform bulk operations on fields that might be in many different records or pages.

Note: For security reasons, only those users logged in to PeopleSoft Application Designer using the PeopleSoft Administrator role have access to the Bulk Operations menu items. For all other users, these menu options are disabled. To gain access, navigate to PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles > Roles tab.

Bulk operations are useful for financial ChartFields. ChartField is an accounting term that describes a small group of character fields, typically 5 to 20, that are present in many records and pages. ChartFields can be between 1 and 30 characters long, with an average length of 10. They often identify organization-wide attributes, such as DEPTID (department identification).

Important! Many PeopleSoft financial applications have a standardized way to modify ChartFields by using standard pages and their corresponding PeopleCode. PeopleSoft FSCM applications do more than just invoke the bulk operations to modify ChartFields. For this reason, users of these applications should follow the applications guidelines rather than using these bulk operations menu items in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Consult your application to ensure that you are using the appropriate mechanism to update your ChartFields before using the PeopleSoft Application Designer Bulk Operations tool.