Using PeopleTools Image Definitions

All PeopleSoft applications include a common set of PeopleTools images that in the image catalog. If you use PeopleTools images when developing your own applications, you should use each image in a way that is consistent with its use in PeopleSoft applications.

Important! Do not change PeopleTools image definitions. If you want to change a PeopleTools image definition, copy it and then modify the copy.

The following list contains many common PeopleTools images and their standard usage; the list is not exhaustive. The images are categorized by function and listed alphabetically by image name.

General Images

Field or Control


Abort button

PT_ABORT: Abort a transaction. Used in some PeopleCode message boxes.

Apply button

PT_APPLY: Apply changes that were made to the database. Usually found when transferring to another page through PeopleCode.

Calendar button

PT_CALENDAR: Open the calendar prompt.

Copy URL button

PT_COPYURL: Used in the pagebar. Copy contents of address bar to the clipboard.

Ignore button

PT_IGNORE: Used in some PeopleCode message boxes.

No button

PT_NO: Used in some PeopleCode message boxes.

OK button

PT_OK: Accept the input on a secondary page and return to the main page.

Open pop-up menu button

PT_POPUP: Open a pop-up menu from which the user can select a page to which to transfer.

Skip pop-up menu button

PT_POPUP_SKIP: Use if a pop-up menu has only one menu item to select from; bring the user directly to a page.

Print button

PT_PRINT: Open the print dialog box for the designated item.

Processing button

PT_PROCESSING: Appears as animated image while accessing a server or database.

Look Up button

PT_PROMPT_LOOKUP: Lookup button for a field prompt table.

Spell Check button

PT_SPELLCHECK: Opens the spell check page for the current field.

Report distinct button

PT_REPORT_DIST_ICN: Usually found on the Process Scheduler Request page, this button takes you to the Distribution Detail page. Use to select roles and users who can access or receive an email of report output.

Return button

PT_SEC_RETURN: Return from a secondary page to the main (calling) page.

Workflow activity button

PT_WF_ACTIVITY: Used for a subprocess of the business task for workflow, consisting of one or more steps.

Workflow business process button

PT_WF_BUSPROC: Depict a complete business task for workflow.

Workflow discrete step icon

PT_WF_STEP: Show a discrete step in the business process that corresponds to a single transaction that is performed on an application page or through an external program.

Scroll or Grid Action Images

Use these images when creating scroll areas, scroll bars, and grids.

Field or Control


Add button

PT_ADD: Add a row button.

Add button

PT_ADD_LARGE: Add a large row button. Alternative to PT_ADD if the page has enough room.

Delete row button

PT_DELETE: Delete a row button.

Delete button

PT_DELETE_LARGE: Delete a large row button. Alternative to PT_DELETE if the page has enough room.

Show all columns button

PT_GRID_NO_TABS: Expand grid button. Expand grid columns horizontally so that grid tabs no longer show.

Show tabs button

PT_GRID_SHOW_TABS: Tabbed grid button. Collapse grid columns horizontally so that grid tabs show.

Next row button

PT_NEXTROW: View the next row button.

Previous row button

PT_PREVIOUSROW: View the previous row button.

Tab Images

Use these images to change the look of both folder and grid tabs.

Field or Control


Tab scroll left button

PT_TAB_LSCROLL: Scroll left to the previous tab in a page or grid.

Tab scroll right button

PT_TAB_RSCROLL: Scroll right to the next tab in a page or grid.


PT_TABxxx through PT_TABxxxxxxxx: Selection of more than 80 images you can use to create folder tabs.

Lookup and Search Page Images

Use these images on lookup and search pages.

Field or Control


Cancel button

PT_CANCEL: Cancel a lookup page.

Clear button

PT_CLEAR: Clear search criteria from the page (appears only on an Advanced Search/Lookup page).

Look Up button

PT_LOOKUP: Begin looking up data.

Search button

PT_SEARCH: Start a search on the search page.

Query Images

Field or Control


Query add criteria button

PT_QUERY_ADD_CRITERIA: Add criteria to a query.

Query key indicator

PT_QUERY_KEY: Denotes a query key field.

Query sort button

PT_QUERY_SORT: Sort query fields alphabetically.

Tree Images

Use these tree images with PeopleSoft Tree Manager.

Tree node and leaf images include:

Field or Control


Identifies the root node of a branch.

PSTREEMGR_COL_BRANCH: Identifies the root node for a branch.

Tree column node button

PSTREEMGR_COL_NODE: Standard node image.

Skip node

PSTREEMGR_COL_SKNODE: Tree node that has skipped a level.

Tree node button

PSTREEMGR_END_NODE: Tree node that has no children; that is, a terminal node.

Tree branch button

PSTREEMGR_EXP_BRANCH: Root node on a branched tree.

Expanded node

PSTREEMGR_EXP_NODE: Expanded node.

Tree show node button

PSTREEMGR_EXP_SKNODE: Expanded node that has skipped a level.

Lowest-level detail value of a tree.

PSTREEMGR_LEAF: Lowest-level detail value of a tree.

Node and leaf command button images include:

Field or Control


Add child node

PTTREE_ADDCHILD: Add a new child node.

Tree add leaf button

PTTREE_ADDLEAF: Add a new detail value, such as a leaf.

Tree add sibling button

PTTREE_ADDSIB: Add a new node as a sibling to the selected node.

Cut tree button

PTTREE_CUT: Cut a node or leaf and place it on the clipboard.

Tree delete leaf button


Delete tree node button


Tree root button

PTTREE_DISP_AS_ROOT: Redisplay the tree, starting with the currently selected node being displayed as the root node.

Tree edit data button

PTTREE_EDITDATA: Display the underlying user data page.

Make tree branch button

PTTREE_MAKEBRANCH: Create a new tree branch, starting with the selected node.

Paste child tree button

PTTREE_PASTECHILD: Paste the node on the clipboard as a child of the currently selected node.

Paste tree button

PTTREE_PASTESIB: Paste the node on the clipboard as a sibling of the currently selected node.

Unbranch button

PTTREE_UNBRANCH: Unbranch a branch.

Update leaf button

PTTREE_UPDATELEAF: Update the values and properties for a leaf.

Tree update node button

PTTREE_UPDATENODE: Update the value or properties for a node.

Portal Images

Use these images to perform a specific action. Additional portal images, such as PT_PORTAL_HEADER_BG, are purely aesthetic. In general, all images that are reserved for the portal contain the word PORTAL in the image name, such as PT_PORTAL_SEPARATOR.

Field or Control


Move down button

PT_PORTAL_DOWN_ARROW_Y: Move a pagelet down when personalizing a portal layout.

Close button

PT_PORTAL_IC_CLOSE: Remove a pagelet from a homepage.

Toolbar Button Images

Toolbar buttons are HTML buttons, not images. HTML defines the buttons and the text on the buttons. To modify toolbar buttons, use a style class.

See Setting Style Class Attributes.

Note: Icons that appear on toolbar buttons are images.