Creating, Opening, and Renaming Programs

This section discusses how to:

  • Create new programs.

  • Open existing programs.

  • Rename programs.

An Application Engine program includes a logically ordered set of sections, steps, and actions. An executable program must contain at least one section, called MAIN, used to identify the starting point of the program. Also, it should contain at least one step, and each step should contain at least one action.

To create a new program definition:

  1. Select File, New or press Ctrl + N.

  2. In the New dialog box, select App Engine Program from the Definition Type drop-down list and click OK.

  3. Save and name your program.

    Select File, Save As, enter the name of your program in the Save Name As edit box, and click OK.

Note: You should also provide a program description and specify its owner in the properties dialog box for the new program.

See Setting Program Properties.

To open an existing program:

  1. Select File, Open.

  2. In the Open Definition dialog box, select App Engine Program from the Definition Type drop-down list.

  3. Enter your search criteria for the program you want, select your program in the search results list, and click Open to open the program.

To rename a program:

  1. Select File, Rename.

  2. In the Rename dialog box, make sure that App Engine Program appears as the definition type.

  3. In the box that contains your search results, click the program that you want to rename.

  4. Click Rename.

  5. Place the cursor in the box that appears around the highlighted program name.

  6. Enter a new name for the program.

  7. Click Rename again and respond appropriately in the Confirm Rename dialog box.

    Note: The system automatically modifies all static references in other programs to the renamed program. For instance, if you call the renamed program from another Application Engine program, the Call Section action in the calling program is modified to reflect the new program name. All sections and steps are saved under the new name. Only one occurrence of a program name can exist for a given database.

    Note: If the renamed program is called in a dynamic Do action, then the reference is not modified automatically. You should manually check and modify any embedded references to the new program name in CallAppEngine or other PeopleCode functions.