Using State Records

This section provides an overview of state records and discusses how to:

  • Share state records.

  • Choose a record type for state records.

You assign variables for your Application Engine program through state records, while sections, steps, and actions pass values to subsequent program steps through state records.

You can have up to 200 state records associated with a particular Application Engine program. However, only one record can be the default state record. You can specify both work (derived) and physical (SQL table) records to be used as state records. The only difference is that derived state records cannot have their values saved to the database at commit time, and so the values are lost during a restart. Therefore, Application Engine erases the contents of derived state records at commit time if Restart is enabled for the current process.

A Application Engine state record must have a process instance defined as the first field and the only key field, and the state record name must end with _AET.

Not all the database columns referenced in your program must be in the state record, just the columns that must be selected into memory so those values can be referenced in a subsequent program action. You may also want to include additional fields to hold pieces of dynamic SQL, to use as temporary flags, and so on.

Application Engine supports long fields, unlike COBOL or Structured Query Reports (SQR). However, it allows only one long field per state record. You set a maximum size for the field in Application Designer and make sure that the data space is compatible with the size of the field that you set.

Application Engine also supports image fields and long text fields.

Image: Sample state record

This is an example of Sample state record.

Sample state record

During batch processing, Application Engine automatically performs all state record updates. When a program starts, it inserts a row into the state record that corresponds to the process instance assigned to that program run. Application Engine updates the record whenever a commit operation occurs. When restart is enabled and a commit occurs, all state records that have been updated in memory are written to the database, except for derived state records, which are initialized instead.

After the program completes successfully, Application Engine deletes the corresponding row in the state record. There is only one row in the state record for each process instance. Multiple programs can use the same state record, and each program has its own row based on the unique process instance key.

To set values in the state record, you use the %SELECT construct in a SQL statement or write PeopleCode that references the state field with the standard record.field notation. To reference fields in the state record, use the %BIND construct.

State records can be used by multiple sections and by multiple programs. When you call a section in another program, any additional state records defined for that program (as in state records that are not already in use by the calling program) are initialized, even if the program has been called previously during the run. However, state records that are common to both programs retain their current values.

To reference variables that exist within a state record, use the following:


Unless a specific record name is specified preceding the fieldname, %BIND references the default state record. To reference a state record other than the default, use the following:


In the case of a called program or section, if the called program has its own default state record defined, then Application Engine uses that default state record to resolve the %BIND(fieldname). Otherwise, the called program inherits the default state record of the calling program. In theory, the called program does not require a state record if all the fields it needs for processing exist on the calling program’s state record.

For those state records that are shared between programs (during an external call section), any changes made by the called program remain when control returns to the calling program. Any subsequent actions in the calling program can access residual values left in the common state records by the called program. This can be useful to return output values or status to the calling program, yet it can also cause unforeseen errors.

Generally, a called program should not share state records with the caller unless you need to pass parameters between them. Most programs have their own set of state records unless a program calls another program that requires specific input or output variables. In that case, you must include the state record of the called program into the calling program’s state record list, and make sure to set the input values before issuing the call section.

As a general rule, to preserve state record field values across commits in your program, you should store those values in a state record with a record type of SQL Table. Only derived/work-type state records store values that don’t need to be accessed across commits. Derived/work records are, however, an excellent choice for temporary flags and dynamic SQL containers that are set and then referenced immediately. Because these values aren’t needed later, you don’t want to have to save them to the database at each commit. When you create your state record in Application Designer, you should have an idea regarding how your state record will be used. With this information, you can select the appropriate record type to build.

With Application Engine programs, state records that are derived/work records function the same as SQL Table records. However, there is one notable distinction: unless you have disabled Restart, derived work records have their field values re-initialized after each commit. Therefore, unless you anticipate this behavior, you may encounter problems. One quick way to diagnose such a problem is to examine a trace. Typically, you see %BIND variables resolved to values prior to a commit, and then after the commit, they have no value.

This behavior is necessary to ensure consistency in the event of an abnormal termination and restart. During the restart, Application Engine begins, or restarts, at the point of the last successful commit and restores the values of any state records with corresponding database tables. Derived/work records aren’t associated with a physical database table, and consequently they can’t be restored in the event of a restart.