Creating Push Notification Events

When creating push notification events, you:

  1. Define the event.

    An event is associated with a status change on the server. When you define an event, you specify its data type and data structure.

  2. (Optional) Add the event to an event collection.

    You can group a set of events that exhibit a common behavior as a collection. When an endpoint is subscribed to a collection, it receives notifications for each event included in the collection whenever they are published from the server.

  3. Publish the event using PeopleCode.

  4. Subscribe endpoints to the event or event collection.

  5. Define the notification configuration for the event.

Use the Define Server Side Events page to define the data type and data structure for state changes that occur on the server. Examples of state changes include:

  • Process Scheduler process or job status change.

  • Approval notification for a workflow.

  • A custom state change such as adding or updating a row in an application data table.

Image: Define Server Side Events Page

The following example shows the Server Side Events grid where you add server side events.

Define Server Side Events page

Field or Control



Enter a unique name for the event.


Enter a description of the event.

Data Type

Select between KeyValue Pair or PeopleCode Rowset. The data type defines how the system structures the event data while publishing the event. The value you assign determines what you enter for a data structure.

Data Structure

Enter the Data Structure value, depending on the Data Type selected.

  • KeyValue: Enter key names separated by commas.

  • PeopleCode Rowset: Click the Prompt button to select the record name.

Use delivered PeopleCode application classes to set event data (in the form of key-value pairs or record field data) when publishing the event.

Adapters are used for sending push notifications to mobile applications running in the Oracle Mobile Application Framework (MAF). An adapter is associated with a server side event.

For more information on adapters and working with MAF, see Creating an Adapter.

Use the Define Server Event Collections page to define event collections and add defined events to a collection.

Image: Define Server Event Collections Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Server Event Collections Page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Server Event Collections page

Field or Control


Collection Name

Enter the unique name for the event collection.


Enter a description of the event collection.

Root Package ID

Select the PeopleCode application package that contains the application class that is the handler for this collection.

Application Class ID

Select the PeopleCode application class that handles the events that are part of the event collection when they are published. A valid handler class implements the PT_PNCOLL_HANDLER:Handler interface.


Click the Events link to maintain the events for the event collection using the Add Events page. If an endpoint is subscribed to the collection, then it will receive the push notifications for each of the events listed in this page.

Add Events Page

Use the Add Events page to maintain the events associated with an event collection.

Image: Add Events page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Events page.

Add Events page

You use PeopleCode to publish an event:

  • For custom endpoint subscriptions, create an object of the PSEvent class to publish the event.

  • For certain delivered endpoint subscriptions, instantiate and use delivered applications classes to publish to that endpoint—for example, to the Notification window.

Publishing an Event for KeyValue Pairs

This example demonstrates the publishing of the event PROCESSSTATUSCHANGE with the keys PROCESSID and RUNSTATUS and recipient user, VP1.

  1. Create the event object.

    Local object &EventObject;
    &EventObject = CreateObject("PSEvent");
  2. Set values for the keys defined in the event

    &EventObject.SetKeyValuePair("STATUS", PSPRCSSTATUS.RUNSTATUS);
  3. Add a recipient user for the event.

    In this case, the event will be sent only to user VP1 (if VP1 has subscribed to the event).

    &EventObject.AddRecipient("VP1", 1)

    The the parameters for AddRecipient are:

    Field or Control



    Specify the recipient using either a user name or a role name.

    recipient type

    Use a value of 1 to indicate a user.

    Use a value of 2 to indicate a role.

  4. Publish the event.


Publishing an Event for a PeopleCode Rowset

If the data type is PeopleCode rowset, you set the values for the fields in the record and add a recipient.

This example illustrates publishing an event for a PeopleCode rowset. In this example, WORKFLOWAPPROVAL is the server event for which name and status fields are defined. All users assigned the role of Workflow Administrator are added as recipients.

  1. Create the event object.

    Local object &EventObject;
    &EventObject = CreateObject("PSEvent");
  2. Set the PeopleCode Rowset for the event.

    Local object &EventObject;
    &rs = CreateRowset(Record.PSPTWKLAPPVL);
    &rs(&i).PSPTWKLAPPVL.NAME.Value = "Test Workflow";
    &rs(&i).PSPTWKLAPPVL.STATUS.Value = 1;
  3. (Optional) Add a recipient role for the event.

    In this case, the event will be sent only to users who have subscribed to the event and belong to the role: Workflow Administrator.

    &EventObject.AddRecipient("Workflow Administrator", 2);
  4. Publish the event.

    &ret = &EventObject.publish("WORKFLOWAPPROVAL");

Publishing to the Notification Window

For example, the Notification window endpoint is delivered with a subscription to the PUSHNOTIFICATIONWINDOW event collection as seen previously on the Define Server Event Collections page. Once you have defined and added your custom event to the PUSHNOTIFICATIONWINDOW event collection, you can instantiate and use the PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow application class to publish your custom event to the Notification window.

The following PeopleCode excerpt illustrates the publication of a notification of type alert:

import PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow;

/* Creates and publishes an alert notification to the current user. */
Local string &KEY = "Student_ID" | PSU_STUDENT_TBL.STUDENT_ID.Value;
Local string &MSGINFO1;
&MSGINFO1 = "You added a new student named " | PSU_STUDENT_TBL.STUDENT_NAME.Value | " with ID " | PSU_STUDENT_TBL.STUDENT_ID.Value | ".";
Local PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow &newStdnt_alert = create PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow("NEW_STUDENT", "Student Data");
&newStdnt_alert.SetCategoryTypeFyi(); /* Type for alerts. */
&newStdnt_alert.AddRecipient(%UserId, 1);
&newStdnt_alert.SetPriority("3"); /* Low priority */

You can use one of several methodologies to subscribe an endpoint to an event or event collection:

  • Using JavaScript, the event data is published using the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format:

    • Subscribe to a specific event.

    • Subscribe to an event collection.

  • Using PeopleCode.

    For custom endpoint subscriptions, create an object of the PSEvent class to subscribe to the event.

  • Using Interwindow Communication (IWC).

  • For a MAF application, creating and associating an adapter to an event.

Subscribing to an Event Using JavaScript

Use the Subscribe JavaScript function to subscribe an endpoint to an event:

Subscribe(EVENT_NAME, Callback_Function_Name)

Field or Control



The name of the event that the endpoint is being subscribed to.


JavaScript function invoked when the event is published on the server.

For example:

Subscribe("PRCSEVENTS", ProcessHandler);

The ProcessHandler JavaScript function is then defined in the code:

function ProcessHandler(EventName, EventData)
    if(EventName == "PRCSEVENTS")
// Actual code omitted here ...

Subscribing to an Event Collection Using JavaScript

Use the SubscribeCollection JavaScript function to subscribe an endpoint to an event collection:

SubscribeCollection(COLLECTION_NAME, Callback_Function_Name)

Field or Control



The name of the event collection that the endpoint is being subscribed to.


JavaScript function invoked when the event is published on the server.

For example, the Notification window has been subscribed to the PUSHNOTIFICATIONWINDOW event collection using this JavaScript code:


The UpdatePNUI JavaScript function is defined as follows:

function UpdatePNUI(EventName, EventData) {
    try {
        var parentNode = document.getElementById('PT_NOTIFY');
         var parentNode_classic=top.document.getElementById('pthdr2notify_div');
        if (parentNode != null  || parentNode_classic!=null) {
    } catch (e) {}

Subscribing to an Event Using PeopleCode

For custom endpoint subscriptions, create an object of the PSEvent class to subscribe to the event. Use the Subscribe method, which requires an application class method be defined as the callback:


For example, the following code creates a subscription for the PRCSEVENTS event:

Local object &EventObject = CreateObject("PSEvent");
Local boolean &SubscriptionHandle = &EventObject.Subscribe("PRCSEVENTS", "PT_CONQRS:CQTEMPTABLES:OnEvent");

Then, implement an application class that defines the callback method for the event subscription:

method OnEvent
   /+ &EventObject as Object +/
   Local object &EventNotifObject = CreateObject("PSEvent");
   /* Actual code omitted here */

Subscribing to an Event Using Interwindow Communication (IWC)

Use IWC to subscribe a PeopleSoft page to a published event, where the event model is mapped to page elements, such as fields and grids. Creating a subscription does not require any changes to the page. When the event is published from the server, the page is updated automatically with the event data.

To subscribe to an event through IWC:

  1. In the browser, select PeopleTools > Portal > Structure and Content.

  2. Navigate through the portal registry folders and select the content reference definition for the component.

  3. Click theIWC Message Events link on the Content Ref Administration page.

  4. Select the Add a New Value tab, and click Add.

  5. Add a new row on the IWC Message Events page, specifying these values:

    • Event Name: Enter the name of a defined event.

    • Message Event Type: Select Server Sub.

  6. Click the Map to display the Map Events Data to Page Elements page.

Image: Map Events Data To Page Elements Page

On the Map Events Data To Page Elements page you can map the data of a defined event to a page element.

Map Events Data to Page Elements page

Field or Control


Event Name

Displays the event name that was entered on the Content Reference Message Events page.

Page Name

Select the page where you want the event subscription added.

Page widget Type

Select either Fields or Grid.

Event Data

Select one of the data elements defined for the event. The drop-down will display key values if the event data type is KeyValue Pair and record fields if the event data type is PeopleCode Rowset.

Page Record Field Name

Select the page record field name for the page element to be updated.

Use the Notification Configuration page to define and maintain notification configurations that determine the notification channels and personalization options by notification category.

Image: Notification Configuration search page

On the Notification Configuration search page, search for and select an existing notification to maintain the configuration. Otherwise, click the Add button to add a new notification by notification name (category).

Notification Configuration search page

Use the Notification Configuration page to create and maintain notification configurations by notification category.

Note: When creating new configurations, the notification category name must match exactly the category name defined in the custom PeopleCode application class that implements the delivered PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow class.

Image: Notification Configuration page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Notification Configuration page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Notification Configuration page

Field or Control


Notification Category

The notification category name must match exactly the category name defined in the custom PeopleCode application class that implements the delivered PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow class. This key value is entered on the Add page, and cannot be edited here. For example, the following PeopleCode excerpt defines the BROADCAST notification category for the SENDNOTE event:

&wlSrch = create PTPN_PUBLISH:PublishToWindow("SENDNOTE", "BROADCAST");

See Publishing Events.

Event Name

Select the notification event name that corresponds to the identified notification category.

Important! To be listed, the event must be added to PUSHNOTIFICATIONWINDOW event collection.

See Defining Events and Maintaining Event Collections.


Enter a description for this notification configuration.

Functional Group

Optionally, select or enter a functional group name for this definition.

Object Owner ID

Select an owner for this definition.


Select the mandatory option to indicate whether the category is mandatory, which means that if personalization is allowed, each user must subscribe via at least one channel.

Note: This setting is ignored if personalization is not enabled.


Specify whether notifications for this category are delivered to the Notification window. Available indicates whether the channel is available for use for this category; Enable by Default indicates that this channel is on by default for all users.


Specify whether notifications for this category are delivered by email. Available indicates whether the channel is available for use for this category; Enable by Default indicates that this channel is on by default for all users.


Specify whether notifications for this category are delivered by text message. Available indicates whether the channel is available for use for this category; Enable by Default indicates that this channel is on by default for all users.

Important! You must establish an account with Twilio in order to use text messaging as a channel for the delivery of push notifications. See (Optional) Defining the PTTEXTMESSAGING URL Identifier

Allow Personalization

Specify whether users can personalize notifications for this category.

Authorized Roles and Permission Lists

Enter one or more role names, one or more permission lists, or both to restrict which users can personalize notifications for this category. If there are no entries in this grid, then all users are allowed to personalize notifications for this category.

Use the Broadcast Message page to send broadcast messages to selected users by role or user ID.

Image: Broadcast Message page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Broadcast Message page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Broadcast Message page

Field or Control


Type of User

Select from these types:

  • Role Name: Sends the broadcast message to members of the selected role or roles.

  • User Name: Sends the broadcast message to the specified user ID or user IDs.

Role/User Name

Select the role or user ID to be the recipient of the broadcast message.


Enter the message as free-form text. You can use the following variables within the message body:

  • %OPRID%: The user’s user ID as defined on the user profile.

  • %EmployeeName%: The description of the user as defined on the user profile.

  • %EmployeeID%: The employee ID for the user as defined on the user profile.

  • %EmailID%: The user’s primary email address as defined on the My System Profile page.

Use these Application Data Set (ADS) definitions to copy event and collection definitions between databases.

Field or Control



ADS definition for events for copying event definitions and their corresponding IWC subscription configurations.


ADS definition for event collections for copying both collection definitions as well as all the associated event definitions for that collection.