Granting Terminology Search Privileges

Use the User Search Options page to grant search and view access to your users

To set user search options:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Translations > Modify Terminology > User Search Options.

  2. Search for an existing user ID or add a new one.

    Adding a user ID does not mean that you are creating new users; it means that you are adding a user to the list of those who have permission to use the search and replace functionality.

    Add a user ID to grant access to someone who does not already have access. Search for an existing user ID to modify permissions for someone who already has access.

    Use the standard search or add method to enter the user ID and access the User Defaults page.

  3. Set user search permissions.

    Field or Control


    Search Only

    Select this option to grant the user permission to search, but not to replace or undo. When a user with this level of access defines search criteria, the Search Only (No Replace) option is selected automatically.

    Search, Replace and Undo

    Select this option to grant the user full access to all aspects of the PeopleSoft terminology management functionality.

  4. Choose the searches that the user can access.

    Select View Other User’s Activity to grant the user permission to see searches created by all users.

    Leave this check box clear to deny access to all searches other than the user’s own searches.

    Only users with access to Search, Replace, and Undo can be granted access to other users’ activity.

  5. Click the Save button.