Installing Oracle-Provided Translations

This section discusses translation installation.

Oracle provides translations of the user interface and key application data for PeopleSoft application products.

Typically, you would install these translations when you first install your database. However, if you did not install the Oracle-provided translations during your initial install, this section describes the steps to follow to add translations to an already-existing database.

The database translations are delivered in a Data Mover file with the format xxyyya.db, where xx is the product code, and yyy is the language code, for instance, hcfraa.db. The location of the .db file will typically be in PS_APP_HOME\data, and can also be found in pi_home\xxx\ComPlat\DBFILE\bse\data, where xxx is the language code.

Note: The size impact on the database of installing translations is difficult to predict exactly, but a general rule of thumb is approximately 5% per language.

This section explains how to add a language which was not initially installed.

Start with a production or copy of production database with the latest PUM applied, leaving it at the PeopleTools patch level that was delivered in the PUM Image. A standalone DEMO database can also be used if this is for demo rather than production purposes.

  1. In Data Mover, create and run a script such as hcfra.dms to load the .db file. Here is an example for loading French, for HR92:

    SET LOG hcfra.log;
    SET INPUT hcfraa.db;
    IMPORT *;
  2. After the import is complete, run the following SQL statement, replacing XXX with the language code.

  3. Run the VERSION Application Engine program to update your PeopleTools version numbers.

  4. Run the PTIACLNLNGCA Application Engine program.


    See the product documentation for PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for your database platform, Cleaning Up Orphaned Language Data.

  5. Run the PSXPCLEAN Application Engine program to remove XML Publisher orphans.

  6. Run the database audits.

    Refer to the sections about creating and checking a database in your installation guide for more information.

  7. If you have made customizations, evaluate them to see if they need to be applied or if they need to be translated into the new language.

  8. If you will be using nVision or two tier clients like Configuration Manager in the newly added language, copy over non-database files specific to the language (nVision files in excel\xxx directory, *xxx.dll files from the PS_HOME client bin directory).

Once the new language translations are added to the production or copy of production database, and PSLANGUAGES.INSTALLED=1, future updates through PUM and Change Assistant will detect and update the newly added language.