Setting Currency Field Display Properties When Developing Applications

When you place a currency amount field on a page, you can choose whether to display the currency symbol in the amount field along with the numerical amount and whether to display a thousands separator. Regardless of whether you display the symbol in the field, it is not stored in the database. Currency field formatting is performed only if the Multi-Currency option is selected on the PeopleTools Option page.

To set currency field display properties:

  1. In Application Designer, display the field’s Page Field Properties dialog box.

    To open the Page Field Properties dialog box for the currency field, right-click the page field and select Page Field Properties.

  2. Set the currency display options.

    Select the Currency Symbol check box to display the currency symbol (as defined for the currency in the Currency Code table). Clear the check box if you don’t want to display the symbol.

    Select the 1000 Separator check box if you want the currency amount to appear with a thousands separator character. The specific character that is used as the thousands separator is determined by your international preference.

  3. Click OK to accept the dialog box settings.

  4. Save the page definition.