Accessing the Integration Hub

To access the Integration Hub select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Hub.

Image: Integration Hub.

This example illustrates the default view of the Integration Hub.

Integration Hub

The Integration Hub provides the following options for configuring, administering, and monitoring integrations in PeopleSoft Integration Broker:

Field or Control


Node Name

Allows you to select a node (pillar) from a list of all the nodes defined in the network.


Displays links which guide the administrator through the Integration Broker Setup process.


Displays links which allow the administrator to enable and check the status of integrations.


Displays links which allow the administrator to monitor integrations across the defined network.


Performs various functions such as activating integrations, displaying certain environment information and so on.

Env Information

Displays links which allow the administrator to look at various configuration settings.


Click the Expand button for Configuration to access the links under it.

Image: Configuration

The following image displays the links available under Configuration.


Field or Control


Configuration Status

Shows the configuration status of the domain (Gateway, Node Network, and Domain).


Configures the gateway with local and remote nodes.

Node Network

Selects and configures nodes for the network.


Registers remote nodes defined on the integration gateway with the PeopleSoft Integration Network.

Service Configuration

Configures server, schema namespaces, and target locations.

Monitor Setup Options

Enables gateway logging and data view size limit.

System Setup Options

Sets maximum recursion level and enables IB Profiling.

Network Node Registration

Activates the domain for asynchronous transaction processing.


Click the Expand button for Administration to access the links under it.

Image: Administration

The following image displays the links available under Administration.


Field or Control


Network Status

Performs Network Status checks or IB pings to all selected network nodes.

Introspection and Deployment

Introspects and deploys all Service Operations to selected network nodes allowing the administrator to enable and/or create the appropriate routing(s).

Service Operation Permissions

Add/ Modify Service Operation Permissions to all local defined Service Operations.

Network Status Setup

Setup Information used for data retrieval, automated integration status and diagnostics.


Click the Expand button for Monitoring to access the links under it.

Image: Monitoring

The following image displays the links available under Monitoring.


Field or Control


Network Monitor

Monitors the remote Service Operation Monitor.

Transactional Tracker

Tracks specific network transactions between local and selected network nodes.

Monitor Setup

Sets up query information for data retrieval from network nodes.


Click the Expand button for Utilities to access the links under it.

Image: Utilities

The following image displays the links available under Utilities.


Field or Control


Bulk Change

Enables you to change either node or routing information, or both, in bulk.

Node Lockdown

Locks down properties of the node such that a Project Copy does not override the node metadata.

Gateway Metadata

Contains a backup Integration.Properties gateway file.

Active Integrations

Activates all service metadata.

Environment Information

Click the Expand button for Environment Information to access the links under it.

Image: Environment Information

The following image displays the links available under Environment Information.

Environment Information

Field or Control


App Server Details

Activates all  service metadata.

Web Server Details

Displays web server configuration information.

Int Broker Details

Displays Integration Broker configuration information.

Database Details

Displays database configuration information.