Setting the Oracle Tuxedo Queue Size

The messaging system uses the Tuxedo queue size indicated in the application server domain section of PSADMIN to determine when the Tuxedo queue size has reached its maximum. The pub/sub system reads the actual queue size periodically, based on the Tuxedo Queue Status Check Count parameter. The system throttles itself so that it does not exceed this maximum, thereby preventing queue saturation and degraded performance.

Set the Tuxedo Queue Size parameter equal to that of the kernel parameter used by the machine running the pub/sub processes (msgsys:msgingo_msgmax).

To set the Tuxedo queue size for the messaging system:

  1. In PSADMIN navigate to the Values for config section – PSAPPSRV part of the file. To do so:

    1. Open PSADMIN.

    2. Enter 1 for Application Server and press Enter.

    3. Enter 1 for Administer a Domain and press Enter.

    4. Choose a domain from the list and press Enter.

    5. Choose 4 for Configure the Domain and press Enter.

    6. Enter Y to shut down the domain.

    7. Enter Y to change the configuration values.

    8. Press Enter to scroll through the file and accept the current settings until you reach the following section:

      Values for config section - PSAPPSRV
  2. Enter Y and press Enter to change values in the section.

  3. Navigate to the Tuxedeo Queue Size parameter. To do so, press Enter to scroll through the list and accept the current values. When you reach the Tuxedo Queue Size parameter enter a value.

    A value of 0 (zero) disables Tuxedo queue threshold determination and usage.

    Based on your environment, a value of -1 sets the queue size to the following default values:

    • Windows: 65535.

    • AIX: 4000000.

    • Solaris: 65535.

    • HP: 65535.

  4. Press Enter to scroll through the remaining sections and accept the current settings.

    PSADMIN will process the changes and then load the new configuration.

  5. Boot the domain.