Accessing and Viewing REST Service Definitions

This section discusses how to:

  • Access REST service definitions.

  • View WADL documents for REST services.

  • View REST service operation information.

  • View messages defined for REST service operations.

REST service definitions appear on the Services page (IB_SERVICEDEFN) in the Service component (IB_SERVICEDEFN).

Use the Services – Search page to search for and access REST definitions in the database.

Image: Services – Search page

This example illustrates the Services – Search page.

Services-Search page

Note that the Services – Search page features a REST Service check box. To access a REST service in the database you must select the REST Service check box. If you do not select the check box, the system searches the database for non-REST services only.

After a successful search for a REST service, the system displays the definition in the Services page.

Image: Services page

This example illustrates the Services page. The example shows the service definition for a REST service, QE_WEATHERSTATION.

Services Page

The top portion of the page features a read-only REST Service check box that, when selected, indicates that the service is a REST-based service. The page also features a read-only Provider check box that, when selected, indicates the service is a provider service; if the Provider check box is not selected, the service is a consumer REST service.

To access a REST service definition:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Services.

    The Services-Search page appears.

  2. Select the REST Service check box.

  3. Use one of the following methods to search for a definition:

    • To search for a specific service, in the Service field enter the name of the service and click the Search button.

    • To view and select from all REST services in the database, click Search button, and in the results grid select the service to access.

    The definition for the selected service appears in the Services page.

Click the View WADL link to display the WSDL Repository page (IB_SERVICEDEFN_SEC) and access any generated WADL documents for the service.

Image: WSDL Repository page

This example illustrates the WSDL Repository page. The example shows a link to view the WADL document for the QE_WEATHERSTATION service.

WSDL Repository Page

When you click the View WADL link on the WSDL Repository page, the WADL Viewer page (IB_SERVICEWSDL_SEC) appears and you can view the WADL document for the service.

Image: WADL Viewer page

This example illustrates the WADL Viewer page. The example shows the generated WADL document for the QE_WEATHERSTATION service appearing on the page.

WADL Viewer Page

To view a WADL document for a REST service:

  1. Access the service definition (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Services).

  2. Click the View WADL link.

    The WSDL Repository page appears.

  3. Click the View WADL link.

    The document appears in the WADL Viewer page.

  4. Click the Return button to return to the WSDL Repository page.

  5. Click the Return button again to return to the Services page.

The Existing Service Operations section of the Services page contains an Operation tab that displays service operations and service operation versions that are associated with the service. It also displays descriptions of the service operations, the type of operation, and whether the service operation is active. When you click the name of a service operation, the operation opens on the Service Operations page, where you can view and modify service operations information, work with the service operation handlers, routing definitions, and do much more.

The Existing Service Operations section of the Services page contains a Messages Links tab that displays the request and response messages defined for each REST service operation in the service.

Image: Services Page

This example illustrates the Existing Service Operations section of the Services page. The example shows the Message Links tab displaying request and response messages for the service operations that are associated with the QE_WEATHERSTATION service

Services Page

Click the request or response message name to open the message in the Message Definitions page, where you can view and modify message definition information, message schema information, and more.