Rejecting Transformation Programs

Situations may arise when you may want to terminate a transaction. For example, you may not want a transaction published to a specific node.

Using the %TransformData.rejectTransform property and the %IB_Transform_Rejected built-in function, you can terminate asynchronous transactions based on content data.

You set this property in a PeopleSoft Application Engine transform program as follows:

%TransformData.rejectTransform = %IB_Transform_Rejected;

If you set the %TransformData.rejectTransform property within a transform of an inbound asynchronous transaction, the system will not create a subscription contract and the data is not sent. If you view such a transaction in the Service Operations Monitor, the Operation Instances page displays a status of Done. If you open the Asynchronous Details page in the monitor, an Error link displays. If you click the link an informational message appears that indicates that the transaction was terminated.

If you set this property for an outbound asynchronous transaction, the Publication Contracts page in the Service Operations Monitor will show a contract status of Done for the transaction. However, the system does not send the message and, as with the inbound scenario, the Asynchronous Details page for the transaction will display an Error link. If you click the link an informational message appears that indicates that the transaction was terminated.