Using Data Mover Scripts to Copy Message Schema and WSDL Data

In PeopleTools 8.50 message schema and WSDL documents became managed objects.

To move message schema and WSDL documents from PeopleTools 8.50 and later databases to PeopleTools 8.48 databases or PeopleTools 8.49 databases, use the data mover scripts described in the following table. These scripts are located in the <PS_HOME>\scripts directory.


Script Name


Message schema.


Export a message schema from a PeopleTools 8.55 database.

Message schema.


Import a message schema into a PeopleTools 8.55 database.

WSDL document.


Export a WSDL document from a PeopleTools 8.55 database.

WSDL document.


Import a WSDL document into a PeopleTools 8.55 database.

The WSDL data mover scripts move WSDL by WSDL name, not service name. Therefore it is possible to select specific WSDL for importing/exporting for a given service.

You may encounter errors while moving large WSDL documents and schemas from a Microsoft SQL or Oracle or Informix platform to a Sybase or Db2 (UNIX or OS/390) platform because of size restrictions in Sybase and Db2. The maximum size of WSDL documents from Microsoft SQL, Oracle or Informix platforms to Db2 or Sybase platforms is described in the following table:

Note: Beginning in PeopleTools 8.55 Informix and Sybase are no longer supported.

Source Platforms

(PeopleTools 8.50 and later)

Target Platform

(PeopleTools 8.48 or PeopleTools 8.49)

Maximum WSDL/Schema Size (Bytes)

  • Microsoft SQL

  • Oracle

  • Informix

    (Not supported beginning in PeopleTools 8.55.)

Db2 – UNIX


Db2 – OS/390



(Not supported beginning in PeopleTools 8.55.)