Cloning and Deleting Record Structures

This section discusses how to:

  • Clone record structures.

  • Delete record structures.

In some cases, you will want to add additional nodes to a record/field tree structure.

For example, if you are testing a purchase order, the records in the tree might be ORDER_HEADER and ORDER_LINE. If you want to test with two or more lines, you can click the first occurrence of the record name ORDER_LINE to duplicate that portion of the tree and all child records and nodes.

To clone a record structure:

  1. On the Handler Tester page in the tree view, single-click the record to clone.

    The Select An Action dialog box appears.

  2. Select Clone Record Structure.

  3. Click the OK button.

The original record is duplicated, along with child nodes and all entered field values. If you clone a record in error, single-click the record again and delete the record structure.

To delete a record structure:

  1. On the Handler Tester page in the tree view, single-click the record to delete.

  2. Select Delete Record Structure.

  3. Click the OK button.