Increasing the Java Heap Size to Accommodate Posting Large Files

This section provides an overview of increasing the Java heap size and describes how to increase the Java heap size on Oracle WebLogic web servers.

When posting files that are five megabytes (MB) or larger to the integration gateway, you should increase the Java heap size in the Simple Post Utility to handle larger file sizes. If the Simple Post Utility does not have enough memory for a task, the system might generate an “Out of Memory” error.

You can increase the heap size to any value that you want, as long as your machine has the random access memory (RAM) to support the value that you choose.

The steps to increase the JVM heap size depend on the web server.

When using an Oracle WebLogic web server, you increase the JVM heap size in the setenv.cmd file.

To increase the Java heap size on an Oracle WebLogic web server:

  1. Use a text editor to open the setenv.cmd file.

    The file is located via the following path: .

  2. Locate the SET JAVA_OPTIONS parameter.

  3. Change or add the –XmxZZm parameter, where ZZ equals the amount of RAM, in MB, to allocate.

    The following example shows the parameter set to a maximum of 128 MB.

    SET JAVA_OPTIONS=-hotspot -ms1m -mx128m
  4. Save the changes.

When you run the Simple Post utility, you must specify the maximum Java heap size that you specified here. For example, if you set the JAVA_OPTIONS parameter in the setenv.cmd file to 128 MB, when invoking the Simple Post utility you must add the following argument to the command line:
