Posting Third-Party XML Messages to the Integration Gateway

This section discusses how to use the Simple Post utility to post XML messages from third-party systems to the integration gateway.

To post a third-party XML message to the integration gateway:

  1. Access the Simple Post utility.

    In the Windows environment, open a Windows command prompt, and then navigate to the utility as described earlier in this section.

    In the UNIX environment, open a terminal window or shell window, and then navigate to the utility location, as described earlier in this section.

  2. Enter the following command, followed by parameter name and value pairs.


    You must enter parameter name and value pairs for:

    • -reqnode

    • -opername

    • -url

    • -infile

    • -outfile

  3. Press ENTER.

The following is a Windows-based submission example:

java -reqnode 
KACNODE -opername QE_F18_ASYNC.v1 -url
 http://intgateway01/PSIGW/HttpListeningConnector -infile
 C:\temp\QE_F18_ASYNC.xml -outfile 
C:\temp\out.xml -opertype async  -destnode 

The following is a UNIX-based submission example:

java -reqnode 
KACNODE -opername QE_F18_ASYNC -url
http://intgateway01/PSIGW/HttpListeningConnector -infile 
/temp/QE_F18_ASYNC.xml -outfile /temp/out.xml 
-opertype async  -destnode