Recording Service Operation Transactions

To record service operation transactions and to allow PeopleSoft Integration Broker to capture the exact structure of each integration point as they pass between the systems, you must ensure that all PeopleSoft systems involved in the integration are configured and running.

  1. Set the following properties in the EIPTestTool Properties section in the integration gateway properties file:

    1. Set the gateway manager class to EIP Gateway Manager. To do so, remove the comment from the following line:
    2. Set loop back to False. To do so, remove the comment from the following line:


      Change the parameter value to False.

    3. Set the log output directory. To do so, remove the comment from the following line:


      You can change the directory location as appropriate.

    4. For synchronous service operation transactions, define the number of integration point test service operation transaction properties in use for the test, and specify the necessary number of entries for the integration point test service operation transaction properties file. To do so, remove the comment from the following line:


      Set this property equal to the number of integration point test service operation transaction properties files in use for the test. For example:


      You must also specify the location of the integration point test service operation transaction properties files for each file directory in use for testing. The number of files that you specify should equal the value that you specified for the ig.EIPMsgProp.count property.

      To specify the integration point test service operation transaction files for the test, remove the comment from the following line:


      Enter the name and location of each integration point test service operation transaction properties file in use for the test.

      For example:

  2. Launch the necessary processes on the source system to invoke integration points with the target system.

To verify that recording took place, navigate to the log output directory that you specified in the previous step. The persisted request and response files use the following naming conventions.

<time stamp>.<request>
<time stamp>.<response>