Understanding Comparing Text Definitions and Text Files

PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to compare the same text definition shared between two databases (or one database and a file) as well as the same text file used by different PeopleSoft releases. Similar to the Visual Compare interface for pages, you can view the text definitions or files side-by-side while the system detects each difference and clearly indicates the differences using visual queues. During this comparison, you choose which lines from each file or definition to carry forward into the merged version.

Note: The merge process and interface is identical for all text definitions and text files.

Text definitions are Application Designer definitions that are comprised of text, or code. They are:

  • PeopleCode

  • SQL

  • HTML

  • XSLT

Text files refer to text files used to store program logic or configuration settings within the PeopleSoft system. They are:

  • COBOL files (.CBL).

  • Configuration files (.CFG).

  • Data Mover script files (.DMS).

  • Initialization files (.INI).

  • SQR source files (.SQC).

  • SQL files (.SQL).

  • SQR report files (.SQR).