Defining Data Set Properties

Use the Properties page to assign properties to the data set.

Image: Data Set Designer – Properties page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Set Designer – Properties page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Set Designer - Properties page

The following properties are available on this page:

  • HTML Style Sheet

    Style sheet to use when rendering HTML in the compare visualization.

  • Instance Search View

    Name of a view to use when searching for data set instances in the DMW. The search keys specified on the view will display by default. All keys of the root record must be keys in the specified view.

  • Last Updated Timestamp Field

    Used together with LASTUPDOPRID to determine the default merge action on compare/copy.

  • Last Updated User ID Field

    Used together with LASTUPDDTTM to determine the default merge action on compare/copy.

  • Managed Object Delete Table

    Enter the name of the delete table for the managed object. This information is used to delete cache when an object is deleted or renamed. Objects that do not have a C++ manager should omit this property.

  • MO_NAME (Managed Object Name)

    Designate the data set as a managed object. If the object has a C++ manager, the property value is the C++ acronym for that object, such as RDM. Objects that do not have a C++ manager should leave this blank.

  • (Managed Object Version

    Specify the OBJECTTYPENAME of a row in PSVERSION and PSLOCK for the managed object. This information is used to synchronize cache when the object is updated. Objects that do not have a C++ manager should omit this property.