Specifying OCI Data Science Server

You use the Server Definition page to register the OCI Data Science servers.

Access the Server Definition page by navigating to PeopleTools > Data Distribution Framework > Data Distribution Setup, and select Machine Learning Server (under the Definition folder in the left panel). Alternatively, you can navigate to PeopleTools > Data Distribution Framework > Machine Learning Server.

Image: Server Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Server Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Server Definition page

The Server Definition page displays a list of servers that you have set up. Use the Instance Name drop-down to identify the server that you require. You may set up as many servers as you require.

To add a new instance of a server, select the Add button. Use the Machine Learning Server Configuration page to specify the details of the new server.

Field or Control


Instance Name

Enter a name for the server.


Enables administrators to set the sequence in which the available servers are to be used. The lowest number is 1 and it has the highest priority.

Note: The search instance with the priority set at the lowest number has the highest priority, and it will be set as the default server instance.

Host Name

Enter the server name of the host where the OCI Data Science platform server is running, including the domain. The host name value can be a DNS name or an IP address.


Enter the port on which the server listens for requests.

SSL Option

Select one of the options for SSL.

If the REST URL created for the machine learning model is SSL enabled, then this option should be enabled.

Admin User Name

Enter the user name to connect to the server.

Admin Password

Enter the password associated with the user name.


Select to make sure your host name and port are correct and that the server is available. A positive result displays a success message.