Understanding nPlosion

You use nPlosion to expand rows or columns containing field criteria. When enabled, nPlosion automatically creates individual rows or columns for each detail value defined in the criteria—whether those values are defined specifically or implicitly (by association with a parent tree node). A detail row or column is generated for the blank [or (None)] value if you are nPloding a tree containing a blank.

You can only enable nPlosion at the row or column level. When you enable nPlosion for a row, PS/nVision inserts the detail or summary value rows immediately above the nPloded row. When you enable it for a column, PS/nVision inserts detail and summary value columns to the left of an nPloded column. If you have intersected label criteria with an nPloded row or column, descriptive text identifies each nPloded amount. (If you do not use labels, you may have trouble identifying the detail rows that are dynamically included in the report.)

Note: For Oracle's PeopleSoft General Ledger, nPlosion is available for detail ledger ChartFields or summary ledger ChartFields that contain detail values. You may also use nPlosion for summary ledger ChartFields accessed through summary trees. nPlosion is not available for summary ledger ChartFields specified as selected summary ChartField nodes.

You cannot use nPlosion for a summary tree ChartField filter if the ledger's corresponding ChartField type is detail. Nor can you use nPlosion for a detail ChartField filter if the ledger's corresponding ChartField type is summary. Attempting to nPlode in these situations returns a Microsoft Excel error, “PS/nVision returning the Excel error code #N/A to the affected cells.”

For other applications, nPlosion is available for criteria fields that have value tables with field values (usually, this is the prompt table for that field).

nVision does not support duplicate detail values when using nPlosion. Trees with duplicate detail values could return incorrect results in nPlosion. To perform nPlosion in such a case, you need to use different trees for the different parts of the report so that nVision would retrieve the overlapping nodes separately.

When processing nPlosion, PS/nVision uses the Excel outline feature to group the detail or summary rows or columns and associate them with their total. After a report containing nPloded values has been generated, you can use the Excel outlining symbols to collapse and expand the nPloded entries. Outlining symbols automatically appear in the report’s left margin (for rows) or above the worksheet (for columns).

In web-based PS/nVision reporting, you can still use outlining in full nPlosion. With Internet Explorer and the Excel add-in, reports produced in XLS format can be displayed with full Excel features, including outlining.

The nPlosion feature is particularly useful with the DrillDown feature, which enables you to select cells in your report and expand them to intermediate or detailed levels of summarization in an ancillary sub-report.