Defining Matrix Layout Criteria

This section provides an overview of the process of defining layout criteria. For details about implementing different criteria types, see the sections that follow.

To define matrix layout criteria in PS/nVision:

  1. With a nVision layout open, select nVision > Layout Definition from the nVision menu.

  2. From the Layout Definition dialog box, select a layout column to map to a query column.

  3. Select the Source tab.

    In most cases, you select the Source tab first to define worksheet-level criteria (cell A1).

    Define the data source and general TimeSpan for the layout. Applying criteria at the worksheet level helps make the report run more efficiently because you do not have to restate the general criteria in the rows, columns, or cells. You can assign any criteria at the worksheet level that you want (including data from the Filter tab). Whatever criteria you assign in cell A1 can be overridden in the row, column, or cell criteria.

    A restriction exists on returning infinite cell values. If you define query or ledger criteria at the worksheet level, you can only display results by using cell-level intersections. Row, column, or worksheet-level intersecting criteria are ignored.

    Note: The Ledger Type option is not available if you do not use PeopleSoft Financials products.

  4. Select the Filter tab.

    Use the options on this tab to establish criteria based on ChartFields and to define nPlosion for the ChartFields you selected. This tab is used for defining row, column, or cell criteria.

    Note: Based on the current cell selection and layout criteria previously applied, some buttons on the Filter tab may not be available.

  5. Define nPlosion defaults.

    Setting nPlosion defaults can save time when defining row and column criteria. You set these defaults using the PeopleSoft nVision Layout Options dialog box (nVision > Layout Options).

  6. Define column, row, and cell criteria—in that order.

    Use the Navigate buttons to select each column, row, or cell. Then, apply criteria types by selecting the appropriate tabs:

    • At the column level—with no previously defined criteria—use the Summary and Label tabs.

    • At the row level—with no previously defined criteria—use the Summary, Source, Filter, and Label tabs.

    • At the cell level—with no previously defined criteria—use the Summary, Source, Filter, Label, Variable, and String tabs.

    By defining worksheet, column, row, and cell criteria—in that order—you define layout criteria in ascending order of precedence. At the cell level, any criteria you enter override conflicting criteria defined at higher levels. Therefore, if you have defined column-level query criteria and you define a different query for a cell in that column, then the query criteria for the cell overrides the column criteria. Remember that if you define filter criteria at the cell level, they are combined with other filter criteria defined at higher levels.

  7. Define other layout features.

    You may want to provide additional text and Microsoft Excel formulas to the report layout. Now is also a good time to specify the fonts and formatting that you want to apply to any report instances based on this layout.

    To enter cell information manually, you must close the PeopleSoft nVision Layout Definition dialog box.

  8. Save the new layout.

    Click the Save button on the Microsoft Excel toolbar or select File > Save from the nVision menu to save the layout with the name you established earlier.

  9. Run a test report.

    You should run a report request based on this layout to verify that the report layout works properly. When you make the report request, PS/nVision should populate a report instance with data from your PeopleSoft database.