Running Specific PS/nVision Reports

This section describes how to run specific PS/nVision reports from an application page using the options:

  • nVision Run API


To run specific nVision reports from an application page, you have the option to use nVision Run API on a button or hyper link instead of navigating through multiple nVision pages under Reporting Tools (Reporting Tools > PS/nVision > Define Report Request).

The API can be applied on a page control, such as, a button or hyper link, by passing Report ID and Business Unit values. This API abstracts the nVision Run method so that data is secure.

Verifying User Permission

The user permission to run a report is verified by the nVision_IsAuthorised API. Based on the permission, the page control such as, button or hyperlink, is enabled or disabled. If an unauthorized user tries to run this report, an authentication failed error message appears.

The following example, where Business Unit is US001 and Report ID is FSDETAIL, shows the syntax and application package details of nVision_RunReport and nVision_IsAuthorised APIs.

import PT_NVISIONPKG:nvision_Runreport;

import PT_NVISIONPKG:nVision_IsAuthorised;

Local boolean &ret;

ComponentLife PT_NVISIONPKG:nvision_Runreport &nVis;

ComponentLife PT_NVISIONPKG:nVision_IsAuthorised &nVis1;

&nVis1 = create PT_NVISIONPKG:nVision_IsAuthorised();

&nVis = create PT_NVISIONPKG:nvision_Runreport();

&ret = &nVis1.nVisionIsAuthorised("US001", "FSDETAIL");

If &ret = True Then

   &nVis.nvis_Run("US001", "FSDETAIL");


Note: To run the report, you must apply the nVision_RunReport and nVision_IsAuthorised APIs on the page control.

To run specific nVision reports from an application page, you have the option to use QUICKNVISION REST service.

The REST service format is: http://<Server name>:<Port>/PSIGW/RESTListeningConnector/<DBName>/QUICKNVISION.v1/<BusinessUnit>/<ReportID>.

To run an nVision report:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Services, and search for the REST service QUICKNVISION.

  2. Access the operation QUICKNVISION_POST.v1 on the Operation tab.

  3. Select the URL from the REST Base URL field, and append the Business Unit and Report ID values.

    For example,, where US001 is the Business Unit and FSDETAIL is the Report ID.

    For the report to run successfully, a report with the given business unit and report ID should exist.

  4. Enter the basic authentication details. If the user is not authorized to run the selected nVision report, an authorization failed message is displayed.

Note: To run an nVision report, you must add permission list PTPT1000 to the user role.