Using TimeSpans

TimeSpans express fiscal-year and accounting-period ranges relative to the main as-of date specified in the report request. TimeSpans control the periods for which data is extracted from the database. Many TimeSpans are expressed relative to the current period, so that they automatically adapt the content of a report to the report as-of date. TimeSpans are required when you use ledgers, but they are optional with queries.

An example of using TimeSpans is an earnings summary report that compares earnings from the end of 2000 to the end of 2001, broken down by four quarters. Revenue from operations and net earnings are listed down the left side of the report, while quarterly earnings appear across the top of the report as column headings. You select the appropriate QTR TimeSpan for each quarter at the column level. Then, you specify the Accounts ledger in the criteria for the entire spreadsheet. For the rows, specify the individual accounts whose earnings you want to report on.

Relative Adjustment Periods

Use the following example to specify the Relative Adjustment Period. To retrieve x number of periods back:

"BaseAdjustmentPeriod - x" 
where BaseAdjustmentPeriod = (FirstAdjustmentPeriod - 1).

For example, FirstAdjustmentPeriod = 901 (for period 1). BaseAdjustmentPeriod = 900. To specify the last two adjustment periods, Relative StartAdjustmentPeriod should be 898.

To retrieve x number of periods ahead:

"BaseAdjustmentPeriod + x".

Using the example above, to retrieve two periods ahead, define Relative EndAdjustmentPeriod as 900 + 2 = 902.