Understanding the Application Data Set Classes

The Data Migration Workbench is designed to manage the complexity of migrating configuration data across multiple PeopleSoft systems. Data Migration Workbench uses Application Data Sets (ADS) as its underlying infrastructure. There are five main parts to the Data Migration Workbench:

  • The ADS definition designer is used to define ADS definitions, which define the data sets that can be migrated. Each ADS definition includes a record hierarchy. An ADS definition has associated validation PeopleCode specified by an application class, which is the main subject of these topics.

  • The Project Editor allows you to interactively create projects containing ADS instance data (that is, the data defined by ADS definitions) and edit their content.

  • The Project Manager allows ADS projects to be exported to a file, compared from a file, or copied from a file.

  • The Project Reviewer is used to view the results of compares, including validation.

  • The Project Approver invokes the approval framework to assure that the each project has been properly reviewed and approved before it is copied.

PeopleTools supplies the base class application class, PTADSDEFN:AdsValidationBase, that provides the basic validation described in the following sections.

Prescribed methods described in the following sections of the validation application class are automatically invoked when ADS projects are compared or copied. If you wish to provide additional validation, or to override the base validation, you can implement an application class derived from PTADSDEFN:AdsValidationBase and register that class in the ADS definition designer part of the Data Migration Workbench. The derived class should override one or more of the automatically invoked methods.

Basic Validation

The DoADSValidations method provides basic validation by validating static prompts, translate values, Y/N values, and required fields. Because basic validation is always triggered for any copy or compare, you do not need to explicitly call DoADSValidations. Therefore, even when you do not define an extended application class for a specific ADS definition, basic validations are performed by this method. If a validation error is detected, DoADSValidations returns false and information about the error is written to the target database.

Extended Validation

You can extend the AdsValidationBase base class to define specific validation logic for your data sets. To provide data set-specific validation or transformation logic, you can extend three methods from the base class and define any additional methods and properties as necessary. The following three AdsValidationBase class methods can be extended in your custom application class:

  • OnPreCopyCompare

  • OnPreUpdate

  • OnPostCopy