Understanding the MCFIMInfo Class

Use the MCFIMInfo class to launch an instant messaging session from a PeopleSoft page and initiate a chat. A developer can use either the PeopleCode class or a push-button with specific characteristics in Application Designer to initiate an instant messaging session.

Note: PeopleSoft recommends using the Application Designer push-button rather than PeopleCode in most applications. The PeopleCode program determines user presence information from the application server, whereas the push-button determines user presence from the browser. The application server must wait until it has all the presence information for that page before it can render the page. Though this processing is multi-threaded, it can still be slower than the push-button.

Only use the MCFIMInfo class if your application requires the flexibility the PeopleCode can provide. The only supported networks are AOL and Yahoo. SameTime is supported using the Application Designer push-button, but not in PeopleCode.

Instant messages are sent by using the native instant message clients. This means that you can only use this for Microsoft Windows.

The page from which you launch the instant messaging session must be refreshed in order to update presence status.

MCFIMInfo objects are declared as type MCFIMInfo. For example:

Local MCFIMInfo &MyChat;

An MCFIMInfo object can be only instantiated from PeopleCode.

Use this object only in PeopleCode programs that are associated with an online process, not in an Application Engine program, a message subscription, a Component Interface, and so on.