AnalyticTypeRecordDefn Class Properties

In this section we discuss the AnalyticTypeRecordDefn class properties. The properties are described in alphabetic order.

All of the properties listed here can also be set for the analytic type definition using Application Designer.


Use this property to specify whether this record has a callback. This property takes a Boolean value, true if the record has a callback, false otherwise.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify a description for the record.

This property is read/write.


This property specifies the name of the record.

This property is read-only.


Use this property to specify whether this record is readable. This property takes a Boolean value, true if the record is readable, false otherwise.

This record is read/write.


Use this property to specify whether this record is specified as read once. This property takes a Boolean value, true if the record is only read once, false otherwise.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify if the record is specified as scenario managed. This property takes a Boolean value, true if the record is scenario managed, false otherwise.

This property is read/write.


This property specifies the synchronization order for the record. It returns an integer value.

This property is read/write.


Use this property to specify if a record is specified as writeable. This property takes a Boolean value, true if the record is writeable, false otherwise.

This property is read/write.