RCServiceConfig Class Properties

In this section, the RCServiceConfig class properties are presented in alphabetical order.


Use the AllowPersonalization property to set or return a Y/N string value to indicate whether user personalization is allowed for this item of fluid related content. “Personalization” allows the user to show or hide an item of fluid related content.

Note: The default value is Y.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.AllowPersonalization = "N"; /* Set Y/N string value */


Use the cEnable property to set or return a Y/N string value to indicate whether this related content service configuration is enabled.

Note: The default value is Y.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.cEnable = "N"; /* Set Y/N string value */


Use the cInitMin property to set or return a Y/N string value to indicate whether this service appears in the closed state when the user initially accesses the Related Content frame at the right of the page.

Note: The default value is N.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.cInitMin = "Y"; /* Set Y/N string value */


Use the CompEvent property to set or return a string value representing the component level event for which application class PeopleCode is mapped.

Note: The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition. See Mapping Application Class PeopleCode to Component Events for more information.

Following values can be assigned to this property:




Component PostBuild event.


Component PreBuild event.


Component SavePostChange event.


Component SavePreChange event.


Component WorkFlow event.


&rcServConfig.CompEvent = "SPRE";


Use the CompRecEvent property to set or return a string value representing the component record level event for which application class PeopleCode is mapped.

Note: The Activate event is actually at the page level, and not the component record level.

Note: The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition. See Mapping Application Class PeopleCode to Component Events for more information.

Following values can be assigned to this property:




Component record RowDelete event.


Component record RowInit event.


Component record RowInsert event.


Component record RowSelect event.


Component record SaveEdit event.


Component record SavePostChange event.


Component Record SavePreChange event.


Page Activate event.


Component record FieldChange Event.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.CompRecEvent = "RINI";


Use the EventRecName property to set or return a string value representing the component record for which application class PeopleCode is mapped.

Note: The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition. See Mapping Application Class PeopleCode to Component Events for more information.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.EventRecName = "QE_RCF_EM_REC";
&rcServConfig.CompRecEvent = "RINI";


Use the FieldName property to set or return a string value representing the component record for which application class PeopleCode is mapped.

Note: The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition. See Mapping Application Class PeopleCode to Component Events for more information.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.EventRecName = "QE_RCF_EM_REC";
&rcServConfig.FieldName = "QEPC_LEVEL0_KEY";
&rcServConfig.CompRecEvent = "RINI";


Use the InstanceId property to return the instance ID for the related content service configuration as a number value.

This property is effectively read-only.


Use the InstanceLbl property to set or return the label of the related content service configuration as a string value.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.InstanceLbl= "My Service Instance";


Use the IsCompService property to set or return a one-character string value indicating whether the service is configured at the component level or at the page level.

Following values can be assigned to this property:




Page level service.


Component level service.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.IsCompService = "C"; 


Use the IsDefault property to set or return a Y/N string value to indicate whether this related content service configuration is the default service when classic related content is configured for the bottom frame. A default service must be selected only when the classic related content frame at the bottom of the page is configured to initially display expanded.

Note: The default value is N.

This property is read/write.


&rcSrvc.ExpandFrame = "Y";
&rcServConfig.IsDefault= "Y";


Use the IsEmbeddable property to set or return a Y/N string value to indicate whether this fluid related content service configuration is embeddable related content.

Note: The default value is N.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.IsEmbeddable = "Y";


Use the IsNew property to return whether the instantiation of this service configuration is for a new related content service configuration. This property returns True only in the following circumstances:

  • After invoking the AddNewService method of the PTCS_SERVICE:RCService class with the instance_ID parameter set to 0 to return a PTCS_SRVCONFIG:RCServiceConfig object representing a new configuration for that component.

  • After invoking the CloneForNewFull method to return a PTCS_SRVCONFIG:RCServiceConfig object (with a system-generated new instance ID).

For all other instantiated objects and after a Save is invoked, IsNew returns False.

This property is read-only.


Local boolean &isNew = &rcServConfig.IsNew;


Use the LanguageCD property to set or return the language code for this related content service configuration as a three-character string.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.LanguageCD = "FRA";


Use the MainMenuOpt property to set or return a Y/N string value. Set this property to Y for two scenarios only:

  • For a related action configured at the component level that is to be displayed in search results.

  • For component level event mapping’

In all other cases, set this property to N.

Note: The default value is N.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.MainMenuOpt = "Y";


Use the MenuOpt property to set or return a Y/N string value. Set this property to Y only when configuring classic component-level related content in the right frame.

Note: The default value is N.

This property is read/write.


&rcService.RcFrameLoc = "S";
&rcServConfig.IsCompService = "C";
&rcServConfig.MenuOpt = "Y";


Use the PnlName property to set or return the page name for which the service is configured only when IsCompService is set to P.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.IsCompService = "P"; 
&rcServConfig.PnlName= "USER_GENERAL";


Use the PortalName property to return the name of the portal for this related content configuration as a string value.

This property is effectively read-only.


Local string &sPortalName = &rcServConfig.PortalName;


Use the PortalObjName property to return the name of the component for this related content configuration as a string value.

This property is effectively read-only.


Local string &sPortalObjName = &rcServConfig.PortalObjName;


Use the ProcessSeq property to set or return a string value representing whether this application class PeopleCode is executed before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition.

Note: The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition. See Mapping Application Class PeopleCode to Component Events for more information.

Following values can be assigned to this property:




The custom application class PeopleCode will be executed before any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition.


The custom application class PeopleCode will be executed after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.ProcessSeq = "PRE"; 


Use the SeqNum property to set or return an integer value representing the sequence number for this application class PeopleCode only when more than one custom application class program is mapped to the same event.

Note: The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition. See Mapping Application Class PeopleCode to Component Events for more information.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.SeqNum= 3;


Use the ServiceId property to return the ID for the related content service definition as a string value.

This property is effectively read-only.


&rcServConfig = &rcService.AddNewService("MY_SERVICE", 0);
Local string &serviceId = &rcServConfig.ServiceId;


Use the SrvcAttribute property to set or return the service type as a string value:




Used for service configurations except for the simplified analytics master (template) definition.

Note. This is the default value.


Used to specify the simplified analytics master (template) definition.


Used to specify a clone of the simplified analytics master.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.SrvcAttribute= "GNRL";


Use the UrlTarget property to set or return service target as a string value:




For all classic and fluid related content, this is the default value. Open the content in the related content frame.


For classic and fluid related actions, open the related action in a modal window.


For classic and fluid related actions, open the related action in a new window.


For classic and fluid related actions, open the related action in the target content area replacing the current page.

Note: For all related actions except those based on an application class service definition, this is the default value.


For classic and fluid related actions, open the related action by replacing the entire browser window.


For classic and fluid related actions based on an application class service definition, open the related action in the manner specified in the application class code.

This property is read/write.


&rcServConfig.UrlTarget= "MDLW";