Configuration Parameters

There are two types of configuration parameters: the ones defined by the Interlink plug-in the Business Interlink definition is based on, and the ones that are standard, that is, defined for every Business Interlink object.

All configuration parameters must be set before you add any data to the input buffers.

The configuration parameters defined by the Interlink plug-in are accessed as if they were properties on the Business Interlink object. That is, in PeopleCode, you assign the value of a configuration parameter by using the Business Interlink object followed by a dot and the configuration parameter, in this format:

&MYINTERLINK.parameter = value;

You can also return the value of a configuration parameter:


Each Business Interlink plug-in has its own set of configuration parameters. For example, the email project uses configuration parameters of SMTP_MAIL_SERVER, POP3MAIL_SERVER, LOGIN_NAME, PASSWORD, SENDERS_EMAIL_ADDRESS and REPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS, while the Red Pepper transaction driver uses SERVER_NAME, RSERVER_HOST, RSERVER_PORT, and TIMEOUT.

You can specify default values for every configuration parameter in the Business Interlink definition (created in Application Designer.) These values are used if you create a PeopleCode "template" by dragging the Business Interlink definition from the Project window in Application Designer to an open PeopleCode editor window.

In the following example, the Interlink object name is QE_RP_SRAALL_1, and the driver is the Red Pepper driver:

&QE_RP_SRAALL_1.SERVER_NAME = "server"; 
&QE_RP_SRAALL_1.StopAtError = False;

Specifies the location and name of the Business Interlink plug-in to be used to connect to the external system. This configuration parameter takes a string value.

If the plug-in is located on a web server, you have to specify the name of the web server.

If you specify a file, you can specify either a relative or an absolute path:

  • If you specify an absolute path, you must specify the drive letter:

    &MYBI.URL = "File://D:\TEMP.MYDLL";
  • If you specify a relative path, just use the file name:

    &MYBI.URL = "File://TEMP.MYDLL";

If you specify a relative path, the system firsts looks for the file in the Location directory (specified by the user when the Business Interlink was first created), then it looks in the directory where PeopleTools is installed, in the PSTOOLS/Interface Drivers directory.

Specifies whether the system should verify whether the hierarchical data object (BIDoc) exists before adding or getting values from it. This configuration parameter takes a Boolean value: True if the system should verify before accessing the object, False otherwise.

The default value is True.

If this configuration parameter is specified as True, and the object specified doesn’t exist, the PeopleCode program halts execution and an error is displayed.