File Dependant Processing

You can define a process to be file dependent, which means associating a file with a process that gets scheduled once the system detects the presence of the file.

You can use the PrcsApi class methods for detecting files associated with a process, as well as for displaying additional messages about the process as it's running.

The PrcsApi class is an Application Package class that you must import into your PeopleCode in order to use its methods.

For example, you could use the PrcsApi class with a Application Engine program. In the Application Engine process PROCESS_EDI, you could create a file dependency (using the FileName ProcessRequest property) and make the process dependent on the file /vendor/edi*.data.

On 10/23, the system detects the file /vendor/ and schedules the process PROCESS_EDI. In the Application Engine program, you can refer to the file that started the process using the getAllFileNames PrcsApi class method.

On 10/24, the system detects the file /vendor/ and schedules the process PROCESS_EDI. The process is started from a different file, and can access that file, so duplicate processing doesn't occur.