MCFFactory Example

The following is an example of creating an MCFFactory, then traversing the branches to reach elements from different points. It is the loops that are important—any code within the loops is just an example of retrieval.

&testMCFFactory = create MCFFactory(100); /* set a maximum number of tasks in a task  list to 100 */

Local integer &i, &j, &k;
&i = 1;
&j = 1;
&k = 1;
&l = 1;
&m = 1;
&n = 1;

While &j < &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue.Len + 1
   /*looping through the logical queues*/
   While &i < &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue.Len + 1
      /*looping through the physical queues*/
      /*  e.g. Tasklists by physical queues*/
      &PhysQID = &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].PhysicalQueueID;
      &nOvflTaskTotal = &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].OverFlowedTaskList.Total;
      While &k < &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].OverFlowedTaskList.Total + 1
         /*looping through the Tasklist on physical queues*/
         /*  e.g. Tasks by physical queues*/
         &tasknum = &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].OverFlowedTaskList.Task [&k].TaskNumber;
         &k = &k + 1;
      End-While; /* &k loop */
      /*Task List by Agents on a Physical Queue */
      While &l < &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].TotalAgents + 1
         While &m < &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].Agent [&l].TotalPhysicalQueues + 1
            /*  e.g. Workload of agents on physical queues.  NOTE: &m  and &i are not the same value for the same physical queue.*/
            &AgentMaxWorkload = &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].Agent [&l].AgentProps [&m].Workload;
            While &n < &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].Agent [&l].AgentsTasks [&m].AcceptedTaskList.Total + 1
               /* e.g. tasks on Agent's accepted list  NOTE: &m  and &i are not the same value for the same physical queue.*/
               &tasknum = &testMCFFactory.LogicalQueue [&j].PhysicalQueue [&i].Agent [&l].AgentsTasks [&m].AcceptedTaskList.Task [&n];
               &n = &n + 1;
            End-While; /* &n Loop - tasks on Phys Q of Agents  */
            &n = 1;
            &m = &m + 1;
         End-While; /* &m loop - Phys Q of Agents  - convoluted*/
         &m = 1;
         &l = &l + 1;
      End-While; /* &l loop - Agents on Phys Q */
      &i = &i + 1;
      &k = 1;
   End-While; /* &i loop- Physical Queues*/
   &j = &j + 1;
   &i = 1;
End-While; /* &j loop - Logical Queues*/