Understanding Partition Schedule

Partition scheduling provides capability for performing parallel processing and also for automation of batch execution of multiple processes. It helps in faster performance by breaking down a process that works on a large data set, to multiple parallel processes that work in tandem on smaller datasets. You can also execute multiple processes that process different data.

You can execute a partition process either from the Partition Manager page or by using the Partition Schedule API in PeopleCode.

Partition schedules can be configured to read values either from existing prompt tables of the fields chosen as partition fields or by implementing Application Class in PeopleCode which return the set of partition data values.

To develop a partition schedule, you must identify a process that could be partitioned.

For example, a payroll process that generates payroll data for different geographic regions, such as, India, US or Spain, could be considered for partition scheduling. These geographic regions are the partition field or field. You can schedule processes automatically for these geographic regions sourced through the following methods:

  • Application class.

  • Field.

The scheduling is done from the Partition Manager page. Partition manager page is used to:

  • Schedule a partition process

  • Monitor the progress of scheduled process

Partition Schedule Process

To develop partition schedule, you must:

  1. Create a partition schedule.

    1. Identify the partition process and its partition fields

    2. Choose a partition method.

    3. Set the template Run Control ID.

  2. (Optional) Set the partition field values in Sample Page.