Running PeopleSoft Process Scheduler or Application Engine From a JCL in OS/390

PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is customarily started and stopped from a JCL sample. JCLs are provided to accomplish this task. An Application Engine program must also be run from a JCL in some business cases. Any PeopleSoft executable residing in the UNIX System Services (USS) can be invoked from a JCL using the IBM BPXBATCH utility.

In the high-level qualifier where PeopleSoft is installed in OS/390, a partitioned dataset (HLQ.JCLLIB) contains the following JCL:

  • PRCSSTRT,JCL: JCL to start PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  • PRCSSTOP.JCL: JCL to stop PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  • AESAMP.JCL: Sample JCL to run an Application Engine program.

The following table identifies the meta-strings to use, in the order specified in a shell JCL template, for USS scheduler to pass COBOL parameters so that it can, in turn, call Application Engine:




Path of PeopleSoft home directory


Full path of the server directory, for example, $PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/PT840GA.


Full path of the psprcs configuration file, for example, $PS_SERVDIR/psprcs.cfg.


Full path of the file, for example, $PS_HOME/


Login ID (user ID). Same authorities as the user ID used for installation, or the user ID that started Process Scheduler.


Specifies the value entered in the OS/390 Job Controls Name field on the Process Profile Permission page for the permission lists specified as the user ID’s process profile. The process profile for a user ID can be set using the User Profiles page in the Security component.


Region size. The Default is −1.


Maximum CPU time this Application Engine process is allowed to use. The default is 1000. This matches the default value for MAXCPUTIME variable of BPXPRMxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB.