PeopleTools Components Delivered as Classic Plus

Starting with PeopleTools 8.56, the pages contained within certain PeopleTools classic components have been reworked and are now delivered with fluid-like styling which is also referred to as “classic plus” styling. When the either the Classic Plus or the Classic Plus Pre 858 theme type has been enabled on the Branding System Options page, the pages in these components will be displayed with fluid-like styling rather than as standard classic pages. In addition, the pages in any components delivered with your PeopleSoft applications that have also been reworked will be displayed with fluid-like styling; see your PeopleSoft application documentation for information on which components have been delivered with this fluid-like styling. When any other theme type is selected on the Branding System Options page, these classic pages are rendered like other standard classic pages and components.

Note: The page controls on these “classic plus” pages will resemble the page controls on fluid pages. However, because these components and pages remain as classic definitions, certain aspects of the PeopleSoft fluid user interface experience will be absent—for example, dynamic, responsive rendering across all supported device types.

To prepare a component for classic plus styling, PeopleTools and PeopleSoft application development teams have reworked some of the page controls on each of the pages within the component. Then, the teams have set the Classic Plus check box on the Style tab of the Component Properties dialog box. A component can also be configured with the Classic Plus option on the Component Branding page. Despite this setting, other component and page properties remain set as standard classic components and pages.

In addition, the pagelet area of classic WorkCenters can be configured to display with classic plus styling. Only the pagelet area of the WorkCenter is affected by this setting. The components displayed in the target content area of the WorkCenter are enabled for classic plus on a component by component basis.

As of PeopleTools 8.58, all PeopleTools components have been delivered with the Classic Plus check box selected on the Style tab of the Component Properties dialog box. This includes:

  • All components under the Worklist menu.

  • All components under the Application Diagnostics menu.

  • All components under the Tree Manager menu.

  • All components under the Reporting Tools menu.

  • All components under the PeopleTools menu.

  • The following PeopleTools-delivered components under the root menu:

    • My System Profile.

    • My Feeds.