Common Elements Used in This Chapter

Field or Control


Chart Navigation Object Name

At the portal definition and general settings levels, specify the portal object that creates the general appearance and character of SmartNavigation folders. The system default value is PT_PORTAL_DEFAULT_CHART_NAV, which is a hidden iScript-based content reference that renders the basic SmartNavigation page.

At the individual folder level, specify an object that overrides the system-level chart navigation object.

If you don't specify a value at the folder level, the portal uses the system-level chart navigation object.

Copy object

Click to access the Copy Object to a Different Portal Registry page, which enables you to copy an existing folder to a different portal registry. This button appears only when you're editing a folder.

Default Chart Navigation Page

Select to replace the standard navigation page with chart-based SmartNavigation page. This field is disabled by default. To enable this field, select a value in the Data Source field.

If you select this check box, then the application uses PT_ABN_ORGCHART component as the default PeopleTools chart navigation page. If you deselect this check box, then you must enter your own value in the Folder Navigation Object Name field.

Folder Navigation Object Name

At the portal definition and general settings levels, specify the content reference that the system launches when the user clicks a folder icon. The system default value is PT_PTPP_SCFNAV_BASEPAGE_SCR, which is a hidden iScript-based content reference that renders the standard navigation page.

At the individual folder level, specify an object that overrides the system-level default.

If you don't specify a value at the folder level, the portal uses the system-level folder navigation object.

Important! You must use the definitions associated with the PT_ABN_ORGCHART component as the basis of any custom SmartNavigation folder object.

Note: If you select a content reference that's hidden from portal navigation, the folder navigation occurs, but the menu name that you click remains highlighted.

Hide From Portal Navigation

Select to make this folder invisible to users.

Is Folder Navigation Disabled

Select to override the system-level default setting and disable folder navigation for individual folders.

Note: If you disable and then re-enable folder navigation at the system level, this field is automatically cleared.

Is Folder Navigation Enabled

Select to enable folder navigation for all folders in the current portal registry or selected portal definition.

When folder navigation is enabled, if the user clicks the folder name in the menu structure, the navigation page or a content reference that you specify in the Folder Navigation Object Name field appears in the target area.


Enter the text to appear as the link for this folder.

Long Description

Enter a description for this folder or content reference.

Note: In classic forms of navigation (which have been desupported), this description appears as hover text for the link for this folder or content reference. In fluid forms of navigation, such as the NavBar menu, no hover effects are displayed. In addition, no hover effects are displayed for links in fluid navigation collections.


Enter a name for the folder.

Note: The name can consist of letters, digits, and underscores ( _ ). It cannot contain any spaces and cannot begin with a digit.

(Object) Owner ID

Select the owner of the portal object such as portal, folder, or content reference. The owner ID helps determine the team that created or modified the object. You can define unique owner IDs for your organization by entering field translate values for the OBJECTOWNERID field using PeopleSoft Application Designer. Do not use PeopleSoft owner IDs.

Parent Folder

The name of the current parent folder. This field is display-only.


(Optional) Portal-aware applications can use this field for group processing. All PeopleTools objects have the product name PT.

Select New Parent Folder

Click to copy the folder to a new location within the current portal registry. This button appears only when you're editing a folder.

Sequence number

Enter a sequence number to define where this folder appears in its parent folder, and therefore where its associated menu entry appears within its parent menu. If you leave the sequence number blank, the folder is added to the top of the list of folders and is displayed in alphabetical order. You can change the sequence only one item at a time, and each time you do so, you must save your changes to see the result.

Valid from date and Valid to date

Enter a valid from date. The valid to date is optional and is omitted by default. These dates can be used for application-specific processing by portal-aware applications and are used by the portal navigation to determine visibility.