Creating and Managing Related Content Service Definitions

This section provides overviews of service types, service URL parameters, and service security, and discusses how to create, test, and copy related content service definitions.

The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework supports nine explicitly definable service types. Each type is defined by the characteristics of its data source, which determines the information to form the complete URL that locates and requests the actual data.

When you select a service URL type, various service parameters appear for you to configure. The service parameters differ based on the service type that you select. For example, when you select Embeddable Pagelet, the Node and Pagelet Name fields appear as service parameters because the framework must know the name of the node where the pagelet resides and the name of the pagelet to construct the URL that retrieves the pagelet and its data.

In addition to system-defined service parameters, you can enter user-defined parameters, which offers maximum flexibility in configuring the service to meet business requirements.

Definable Service Types

You can explicitly define the following related content service types:

Field or Control


Application Class

Use this service type to define a PeopleCode application class as a related content service. Application class services can:

  • Access data in the component buffer.

  • Run any PeopleCode program that is valid in the FieldChange event, for example, transferring the user to another page, opening a modal window, or modifying data in the component buffer.

  • Be assigned as related actions only. With the exception of the delivered Analytic Service (for use on fluid pages only), application class services cannot be targeted to the Related Content frame because the target frame and the Related Content frame maintain separate sessions and separate buffer structures.

Embeddable Pagelet

Use this service type to define a Pagelet Wizard pagelet that has been published as an embeddable pagelet as a related content service.

Generic PeopleSoft URL

Use this service type to define any PeopleSoft object (iScript, component, and so on) as a related content service. Choose to use this option rather than the specific iScript or component type when you are not required to inherit the security specified on that object.

Non-PeopleSoft URL

Use this service type to define any non-PeopleSoft pages, external content, or services as a related content service.

Note: Use this service type to deploy Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) modules and topics as related content. See Creating UPK-Based Related Content Service Definitions.

OBIEE Pagelet

Use this service type to define a published OBIEE pagelet as a related content service.

You use Pagelet Wizard to create and publish OBIEE pagelets that use OBIEE reports as the data source. These OBIEE analytics reports are then consumable in the PeopleSoft system.

PeopleSoft Component

Use this service type to define a PeopleSoft component as a related content service.

The component can be from the local PeopleSoft system or from a remote PeopleSoft system. The node name specifies whether the service resides in the local or remote PeopleSoft system.

The framework also enables you to assign most PeopleSoft components as anonymous services without first creating a service definition.

However, in certain circumstances, you must create a PeopleSoft component service definition. See Explicit Definition Versus Anonymous Services.

PeopleSoft Query

Use this service type to define a PeopleSoft query as a related content service.

The query results can also be filtered based on the query definition and the parameters that it requires.

PeopleSoft Script

Use this service type to define an iScript as a related content service.

Use this service type in situations in which an iScript has been used to develop the application functionality based on PeopleSoft data or non-PeopleSoft data, such as stock quotes or weather information.

PeopleSoft Tile

Use this service type to use a tile definition as a related content service.

See Understanding Tile Definitions and the Tile Repository

The information that the system uses to construct the nine service types differs for each type and is described in the following sections.

Related Content Services as Action Items

Action items in activity guides can be explicitly defined as related content services. When creating the service definition for an action item, you can ignore the display options and the security options. The basic PeopleTools transaction security model (user-role-permission list) is used to provide user access to the service. The following service types can be used as action items:

  • Application class

  • Non-PeopleSoft URL

  • PeopleSoft component

  • PeopleSoft query

  • PeopleSoft script

See Creating and Maintaining Action Items.

A service might need additional parameters to obtain the context for the data that the service provides. You define these parameters in the Service URL Parameter grid. When the subject matter expert assigns the service to a content reference, she or he maps values to the parameters. Then, when the service is invoked from the transaction page, contextual values from fields in the buffer, system variables, or even fixed values that were mapped to the parameters are passed as arguments to the service.

Service URL Parameter Grid

Image: Service URL parameters

This example illustrates the fields and controls related to the Service URL Parameter grid. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Service URL parameters

Field or Control


Post mapping definition data

Select to have the mapping definition data, such as the parameter name and its mapping page field or key field name, and the parameter’s actual mapped value posted with the service request. This option is deselected by default.

Escape URL Parameters

Select to escape, or encode, the service URL parameters and values when the application forms the complete service URL. The default value is selected.

Use when either service parameters or parameter values include special characters, such as the single quote (') and the percent sign (%).

Note: The PeopleSoft system encodes only the portion of the URL that follows the equal (=) sign and excludes the sign itself.

Parameter Name

Enter any additional service parameters for the service.

You can map the parameter to a contextual field on an application page when you assign the service to the page.

See “Service Parameter Mapping” in Understanding Service Parameter, Filter, and Security Configuration.


Select this check box when the additional parameter is necessary for a service to return a valid output. This check box is deselected by default.

If the service is designed with no default value and a blank value is passed to the parameter, an error or blank output could occur, depending on how the service is designed to handle this scenario. To avoid this situation, you can mark one or more additional service parameters as required so that the service will be invoked with a valid value for its service parameters.

Important! When this required check box is selected, the subject matter expert or administrator must map a field or value to the parameter on the Related Content - Map Fields page or the system does not allow the service assignment to be saved.

See “Service Parameter Mapping” in Understanding Service Parameter, Filter, and Security Configuration.


Enter a parameter description that is meaningful for the subject matter expert or administrator who configures the related content assignment and mapping.

Content Reference Attributes as Service URL Parameters

When you assign a content reference as an anonymous service, the system automatically defines service parameters for the components that provide either a valid search record or contextual record. You can manually define the RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute on the Content Ref Administration page for any content reference, such as for pagelets, iScripts, or for other content references that do not have a valid search record. If this RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute exists, the system automatically uses the attribute values as the service parameters for the content reference.

Note these points about the RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute.

  • The RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute overrides the default behavior of component-based URLs. The system will not retrieve the service parameters from a valid search record or contextual record, rather the system overrides any search record parameters with the parameters included in the Attribute Value field.

  • The attribute value format should follow this pattern:

    NAME1,Label1;NAME2,Label2 with NAME identifying the service parameter and Label identifying the label for the service parameter. For example, EMPLID,Employee ID;EXPENSEID,Expense ID.

  • The NAME attribute value must not include spaces.

Image: Content Reference Administration page showing the RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute

The following example shows content reference definition that uses the RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute:

Content Reference Administration page showing the RCF_SERVICE_PARAMETER attribute

PeopleSoft Related Content Framework uses the basic PeopleTools security model, which secures local and remote PeopleSoft transaction pages and the application data that underlies these pages based on the user's assigned permission lists and roles.

For services that provide access to non-PeopleSoft content, the framework enables you to use the security model of the content provider. You should consult the content provider and your security administrator to determine the best course of action.

PeopleSoft Security Authorization Web Service

The PeopleSoft security authorization web service runs on PeopleSoft systems and certain service consumer systems such as Oracle WebCenter. The service examines the basic PeopleTools security on the providing system and can respond to a web service call from another PeopleSoft system.

The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework uses the authorization service in these two ways:

  • To show and hide related content links that access PeopleSoft content.

  • To grant access to third-party systems, such as Oracle WebCenter that contain PeopleSoft content.

The authorization service can check for basic PeopleTools security at the definition level and at the data, or row, level.

At the definition level, the authorization service response determines whether related content or related actions links to PeopleSoft content appear for the user. This level of authorization is automatically engaged for any PeopleSoft content, and no other configuration is required beyond basic PeopleTools security setup.

However, row-level, or data permission, security is not automatic. Use the Authorization Configuration component to configure the authorization service to implement row-level security on remote systems. When the user has the appropriate permissions to view the content, then the authorization service determines whether data, or row-level security has been configured. If any such configurations exist, then the appropriate data is returned when the user clicks the related content or related actions link to access the data. Procedures for configuration of the security authorization service are covered elsewhere.

See Understanding Developing and Invoking the Security Authorization Service.

Service Definition Security Options

At design time, you select which security options will be available when the service is assigned and configured for an application page. You can select one or more options to make available to the subject matter expert who assigns the service to a content reference. During the service configuration process, he or she selects the security option to be in effect when the service is accessed from a specific application page; therefore, a different security could be selected for use with a different application page. Before you allow a security option for a service, you should understand the service’s security model.

Important! If you allow a security option for a service definition that isn't applicable or hasn’t actually been implemented by the service itself, unexpected results can occur.

The framework offers four security options.

  • Public access.

  • Related content provider security.

  • Related content consumer security.

  • App class required.

Important! The security authorization web service is called for all PeopleSoft content regardless of the option that you select; however, the service is not called for non-PeopleSoft content.

Public Access

The Public Access security option provides access to the service based on the permissions of the public user that you specify in the web profile. The Public Access option is intended for use with services that require few parameters, such as a generic help policy or an internet search engine.

Components that use basic PeopleTools security, which provides authorization and access through permission lists and roles, are not public. If you select the Public Access option for a PeopleSoft component service definition, users must have access to the PeopleSoft component associated with the service.

See “Public Users” in Configuring Portal Security.

See Setting Page Permissions.

Related Content Provider Security

Some content providers offer complex and industry-specific security models and mechanisms that are native to the service. The Related Content Provider Security option is intended for use with services that implement security that is specific to their data model or the content that they provide.

As an example, consider the Compensation Details component in Payroll as the producer and the Employee component in an HCM environment as the consumer. If you select Related Content Provider Security, then the provider system (Compensation Details/Payroll) must provide the security.

As another example, the Related Discussion service of PeopleSoft Interaction Hub implements both provider security and consumer security. When provider security is selected, then the security model of the PeopleSoft Interaction Hub discussion forums is used, which means that the forum moderator is responsible for adding members and privileges for access to the forum.

Related Content Consumer Security

PeopleSoft applications use basic PeopleTools security, which provides authorization and access to the many elements of your PeopleSoft application through the assignment of permission lists and roles to users. The Related Content Consumer Security option is intended for use with services that rely on the basic PeopleTools for authorizing access to the service content, for example:

  • PeopleSoft component, embeddable pagelet, OBIEE pagelet, PeopleSoft query, and PeopleSoft iScript services that access remote PeopleSoft nodes.

  • Oracle WebCenter services that create group spaces linked to PeopleSoft transaction pages. The WebCenter maintains the group space security, but authorization and access are based on the permissions of the PeopleSoft transaction page.

For example, consider the Compensation Details component in Payroll as the producer and the Employee component in HCM as the consumer. If you select Related Content Consumer Security, then the consumer system (Employee/HCM) must provide the security. Therefore, the provider system (Compensation/Payroll) creates an authorization request to the consumer (Employee/HCM), which responds with the authorization details for that user.

App Class Required

Important! Service filters are deprecated and this option is retained for backward compatibility only. Do not select this option for new service definitions.

When selected, this option indicates that a service filter is required when this service is assigned to an application page.

This section describes the common elements used in defining related content services. The elements appear in the lists in the order that they appear on the respective pages

Related Content Service

This table describes the fields on the Define Related Content Service page that are common to all service URL types.

Field or Control


Service ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the service definition.

Service Name

Enter a short name for the service, which will be used as the default label for the service when it is assigned as related content.

Object Owner ID

Select which product, feature, or application owns this service definition.


Enter a description for the related content service.

Bulk Action

Select this option to enable the service to execute a related action on multiple rows of data. If the Bulk Action option is not selected, users execute the related action on a single row of data at a time.

The Bulk Action option is available for the following URL types:

  • Application Class

  • PeopleSoft Script

  • PeopleSoft Component

See Selecting Bulk Action for Related Content Service Definitions.

URL Type

Select from nine service types that build the URL that defines the location and parameters of the service:

  • Application Class

  • Embeddable Pagelet

  • Generic PeopleSoft URL

  • Non-PeopleSoft URL

  • OBIEE Pagelet

  • PeopleSoft Component

  • PeopleSoft Query

  • PeopleSoft Script

  • PeopleSoft Tile

See Understanding Service Types.

Write help text

Click to open a help text page where you can create instructions that are specific to assigning this related content service and mapping its service parameters. A subject matter expert can access the help text for assistance when configuring a related content assignment.

See Writing Help Text for Related Content Service Definitions.

Copy Service Definition

Click to clone the service definition and its parameters.

See Copying Related Content Service Definitions.

URL Information

This table describes URL information fields. These fields are common to several or all service URL types.

Field or Control


Node Name

Enter the node name of the PeopleSoft system where the service resides.

If the service resides in the same PeopleSoft system, the node name will be either LOCAL_NODE or any default local node of the PeopleSoft system.

Populate parameters

Supplies the service parameters in the Service URL parameter grid based on the URL type. This button appears for embeddable pagelet, OBIEE pagelet, and PeopleSoft Query service types only.

Note: For embeddable and OBIEE pagelets, only context-sensitive parameters are supplied. For query services, only prompt fields are populated.

See Step 3: Specifying Pagelet Data Source Parameters.

Show Formed URL

Click to display the entire formed URL with test parameter values in a display-only edit box beneath the Service URL Parameter grid.

Note: Application class URLs cannot be formed by means of this link because the URL is dynamically generated by PeopleCode using data in the buffer.

Formed URL

This field appears only after you click the Show Formed URL link. The formed URL appears within a display-only edit box.

Test Related Content Service

Click to test the related content service in a new window. The Test Related Content Service page appears enabling you to enter a parameter value and test the functionality of the service.

Display Options

This table describes display option fields. Display options apply only when the subject matter expert configures the service to appear in the Related Content frame. These fields are common to all service URL types.

Field or Control



Select to enable the administrator to include the refresh icon in the related content frame; this icon enables the user to force a server trip to retrieve and refresh the data.

New Window

Select to enable the administrator to include the new window icon in the related content frame; this icon enables the user to send the service to a new browser window.

When the service opens a new browser window, the service data in the new window is no longer actively linked to the parent transaction page. If the user searches for a different key value on the parent page, the content of the new window is not updated; however, you can continue to view and use it. This is important in situations in which you are viewing content and might want to continue using it after completing work in the transaction page.

Note: Any browser setting that enables the browser to determine whether to open pages in a new window or a tab can affect the expected functionality of the New Window property. Configure the BNEWWIN navigation personalization option to override any user-specific browser settings so that the browser never uses tabbed browsing for PeopleSoft applications. See Understanding Navigation Settings.

Select Security Options

This table describes security options.

Field or Control


Public Security

Select this option to provide access to the service based on the permissions of the public user.

Related Content Provider Security

Select this option to use the security implemented by the content provider system.

Related Content Consumer Security

Select this option to use the security implemented by the consuming system, which is the basic PeopleTools transaction security model (user-role-permission list).

App Class Required

Important! Service filters are deprecated and this option is retained for backward compatibility only. Do not select this option for new service definitions.

Select this option to indicate that a service filter is required when this service is assigned to an application page.

Before you allow a security option for a service, you should understand the service’s security model.

Important! If you allow a security option for a service definition that isn't applicable or hasn’t actually been implemented by the service itself, unexpected results can occur.

See Understanding Service Security

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content Service) Select the Application Class URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for an application class

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for an application class. You can find definitions for some of the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for an application class

Application Class Parameters

Field or Control



Enter the name of the application class package that you want to use to define the related content service.


Enter the names of each subpackage in the application class hierarchy that define the location of the application class that defines the service. Separate subpackage names by a colon. If the class is defined in the top-level application package, enter or select the colon.

Class ID

Enter the name of the application class that defines the related content service. The class must exist in the application package and subpackage that you specify.

These fields are validated when you save the definition; the application does not allow you to save the service if you enter an invalid application class.

Service URL Parameters

Application class service definitions do not require service URL parameters except when you want to map field-level data to the service and display the service in a field-level contextual menu.

Application class URLs cannot be formed by clicking the Show Formed URL link because the URL is dynamically generated by PeopleCode using data in the buffer. For the same reason, application class URLs cannot be tested by clicking the Test Related Content Service link.

Simple Application Class PeopleCode Example

An application class that will be used to define a related content service must import and extend the PT_RCF:ServiceInterface class. In addition, it must define a single method named execute.

This is an example of application class PeopleCode that could be used to create an application class service for use as a related action:

import PT_RCF:ServiceInterface;

class res_det implements PT_RCF:ServiceInterface
   method execute();

Global number &PRL_Schedule_Current_Row;

method execute
   /* Extends/implements PT_RCF:ServiceInterface.execute */
   Evaluate %Component
      When = Component.PGM_RESOURCE_LIST

  Transfer to the Resource detail page.
         If (%Page = Page.PC_PRL) Then
            GetPage(Page.PC_PRL_SCHED).Visible = True;
            &PRL_Schedule_Current_Row = CurrentRowNumber();
          /*AN: Hide the grids if the resource is not a resource class */
            If (GetRow().PROJECT_TEAM.TEAM_MEMBER_CLASS.Value <> "L") Then
               Local Rowset &ipRowSet = GetRow().GetRowset(Scroll.PC_TEAM_IP_SCHD);
               If (&ipRowSet.ActiveRowCount > 1 Or
                  (&ipRowSet.ActiveRowCount = 1 And 
                     All(&ipRowSet(1).PC_TEAM_IP_SCHD.START_DT.Value))) Then
            Local Rowset &arlResDtlVw = GetRow().GetRowset(Scroll.PC_ARL_RESDTLVW);
            /*AN: Hide the grids if the resource is not a resource class */

         If (&teamRow.PROJECT_TEAM.TEAM_MEMBER_CLASS.Value <> "L") Then
            Local Rowset &ipSet = &teamRow.GetRowset(Scroll.PC_TEAM_IP_SCHD);
            If (&ipSet.ActiveRowCount > 1 Or
               (&ipSet.ActiveRowCount = 1 And
                  All(&ipSet(1).PC_TEAM_IP_SCHD.START_DT.Value))) Then



Application Class Example for Multiple Events

The PeopleSoft Related Content Framework can also be used to map application class PeopleCode programs to component level, page level, and component record level events. This allows custom PeopleCode programs to be defined for a component without customizing the component definition in Application Designer. These custom PeopleCode programs can be configured to run before or after any PeopleCode program defined for the same event from the component definition.

Optionally, a single application class can be written to handle more than one event. This allows you to use a single application class in multiple configurations separating each bit of functionality into separate blocks. When the event mapping is configured, an Event Map Parameter allows you to specify which block of code pertains to this event configuration.

This application class must implement the eve_execute method in addition to an empty execute method. Within in the eve_execute body, conditional logic must evaluate the event map parameter and execute the appropriate block of code for each valid parameter value.

The following application class presents an example of how eve_execute could be implemented:

import PT_RCF:ServiceInterface;

class App_Class1 implements PT_RCF:ServiceInterface
   method execute();
   method eve_execute(&str As string);

method execute
   /+ Extends/implements PT_RCF:ServiceInterface.execute +/

method eve_execute
   /+ &str as String +/
   /+ Extends/implements PT_RCF:ServiceInterface.eve_execute +/
   /* &str variable will have the Event Map Parameter that was */
   /* set in the configuration page for that particular event  */
   /* that is being triggered.                                 */
   Evaluate &str
   When = "1"
      /* Code block for PreBuild event */
   When = "2"
      /* Code block for PostBuild event */
      /* Code block to handle an invalid event map parameter  */

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content) Select the Embeddable Pagelet URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for an embeddable pagelet

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for an embeddable pagelet. You can find definitions for some of the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for an embeddable pagelet

URL Information

Field or Control


Pagelet ID

Enter the unique identifier of the embeddable pagelet created in Pagelet Wizard.

See Step 6: Specifying Pagelet Publishing Options.

Service URL Parameters

Click the Populate parameters button to populate the Service URL Parameter grid with parameters that you defined as context sensitive in step three of the pagelet construction in Pagelet Wizard.

If the pagelet resides in the same system, as soon as you select the node, a lookup appears next to the pagelet ID field. When clicked, the lookup lists all of the available embeddable pagelets in the system.

See Step 3: Specifying Pagelet Data Source Parameters.

Embeddable Pagelet URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed embeddable pagelet URL:

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content) Select the Generic PeopleSoft URL URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for a generic PeopleSoft URL

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for a generic PeopleSoft URL. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for a generic PeopleSoft URL

URL Information

Field or Control


Node Name

Optionally, select a defined node name.

Portal URL

Enter the complete or partial URL in this field.

If you selected a defined node, then enter the partial URL here. The result is the concatenation of the selected node's URI text and the portal URL that you entered.

Service URL Parameter

Enter the names of all parameters that the component, iScript, or other PeopleSoft definition must have to render the service in the related content service frame.

PeopleSoft Generic URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed generic PeopleSoft URL:

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content) Select the OBIEE Pagelet URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for an OBIEE pagelet

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for an OBIEE pagelet. You can find definitions for some of the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for an OBIEE pagelet

URL Information

Field or Control


Pagelet ID

Enter the unique identifier of the OBIEE pagelet created in Pagelet Wizard.

Service URL Parameters

Click the Populate parameters button to populate the Service URL Parameter grid with parameters that you defined as context sensitive in step three of the pagelet construction in Pagelet Wizard.

If the pagelet resides in the same system, then as soon as you select the node, a lookup appears next to the pagelet ID field. When clicked, the lookup lists all of the available OBIEE pagelets in the system.

The Populate parameters button supplies the parameters only for the locally available pagelets. If a pagelet resides in a remote PeopleSoft system, you must manually enter the pagelet ID and pagelet parameters.

See Step 3: Specifying Pagelet Data Source Parameters.

OBIEE Pagelet URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed OBIEE pagelet URL: Markets.Region=EASTERN REGION

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content Service.) Select the Non-PeopleSoft URL URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for a non-PeopleSoft URL

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for a non-PeopleSoft URL. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for a non-PeopleSoft URL

URL Information

Field or Control


Node Name

Optionally, select a defined node name.

External URL

Enter a full or partial URL external to the PeopleSoft application. For example:

Service URL Parameters

Enter any parameters that the external service requires. For example: q

Non-PeopleSoft URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed non-PeopleSoft URL:

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content) Select the PeopleSoft Component URL type.

Note: PeopleSoft components can implicitly act as anonymous services (select Content Reference as the service type). You must define this type of service explicitly in certain circumstances. See Explicit Definition Versus Anonymous Services.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft component

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft component. You can find definitions for some of the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft component

Component Parameters

Field or Control


Menu Name

Enter the definition name of the PeopleSoft menu on which the component is located as configured in PeopleSoft Application Designer.


Enter the market, such as GBL, of the component as defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Component Name

Enter the component definition as defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Page Name

Enter the page definition as defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Use this field to open a specific page in the component when it appears in the related content target area.

PeopleSoft Component URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed PeopleSoft component URL:

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content.) Select the PeopleSoft Query URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft query

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft Query. You can find definitions for some of the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft query

URL Information

Field or Control


PS Query

Enter the query definition name as defined in Query Manager.

Service URL Parameters

Click the Populate parameters button to populate the Service URL Parameter grid with fields that you defined as prompts when creating the query definition.

If the query resides in the same system, as soon as you select the node, a lookup appears next to the PS Query field. When clicked, the lookup lists all of the available queries in the system.

The Populate parameters button supplies the parameters only for the locally available queries. If a query resides in a remote PeopleSoft system, you must manually enter the query name and query parameters.

See Defining Prompts.

PeopleSoft Query URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed PeopleSoft query URL:

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content.) Select the PeopleSoft Script URL type.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft script (iScript)

This example illustrates some of the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft Script (iScript). You can find definitions for some of the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft script (iScript)

iScript Parameters

Field or Control


Record (Table) Name

Enter the name of the WEBLIB_ record where the iScript is stored.

See Web Libraries.

Field Name

Enter the name of the field where the iScript is stored.

PeopleCode Event Name

Enter the name of the PeopleCode event under which the iScript is stored.

The default event is FieldFormula.

PeopleCode Function Name

Enter the name of the function that performs the logic of the service.

Service URL Parameter

Enter the names of all parameters that the iScript must have to render the service in the related content service frame.

PeopleSoft Script URL Example

This is an example of a fully formed PeopleSoft script URL:

Access the Define Related Content Service page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Related Content Service > Define Related Content.) Select the PeopleSoft Tile URL type.

Note: PeopleSoft tiles can implicitly act as anonymous services (select Grouplet as the service type). You must define this type of service explicitly in certain circumstances. See Explicit Definition Versus Anonymous Services.

Image: Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft tile

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft tile. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Related Content Service page for a PeopleSoft tile

URL Information

Field or Control


Fluid Content

Use the Tile Search page to select the tile definition on which this service is based.

See Tile Search Page for more information.

PeopleSoft Tile URL Example

The fully formed URL is not available for a PeopleSoft tile.

Access the Test Related Content Service page. (On the Define Related Content Service page, click the Test Related Content Service link.)

Image: Test Related Content Service page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Test Related Content Service page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Test Related Content Service page

Field or Control


Parameter Name

Displays the parameters that you enter on the Define Related Content Service page. This field is display-only.

Parameter Value

Enter a test value for the parameter.

Test Related Content Service

Click to test the related content service with the parameter values that you enter.


Click to return to the Define Related Content Service page after testing the service.

Testing Related Content Service Parameter Values

To test parameter values:

  1. Enter the value in the Parameter Value field.

  2. Click the Test Related Content Service link.

    The service appears in a separate browser window using the specified parameter values.

  3. Click the Return button to return to the Define Related Content Service page.

When you define certain types of related content services, you can select whether they should be performed as a bulk action on multiple rows of data when configured as a related action.

The bulk action option is available for the following service types:

  • Application class

  • PeopleSoft script

  • PeopleSoft component

When you select the Bulk Action check box, only the supported service types are displayed in the URL Type drop down.

Note: If you select a service type that is not supported by the Bulk Action option, and then select the Bulk Action check box, a message displays that the selected service type is not supported. When you click OK, the Bulk Action check box is no longer selected.

Component-Level Related Actions

At the component level, you can associate a bulk action with a service. The Look Up Service ID page and the Configure Service page reflect the selection of a bulk action.

Page-Level Related Actions

At the page level, a bulk action is available for a service that is linked to the related action widget. A bulk action is not available for a glyph. The Related Action Look Up page and the Configure Service page reflect the selection of bulk action.

Note: If a bulk action is mapped to a glyph field, the related action is applicable for a single row of data; not multiple rows.


Bulk action functionality is not supported:

  • In the Related Content frame.

  • For the following service types:

    • Embeddable pagelet

    • Generic PeopleSoft URL

    • Non-PeopleSoft URL

    • OBIEE pagelet

    • PeopleSoft query

    • PeopleSoft tile

Bulk Action Availability for Authorized/Unauthorized Rows

The bulk action functionality is available or not available in the following scenarios:


Bulk Action Availability

User is authorized for all rows of a transaction.


User is not authorized for any of the rows of a transaction.


User is authorized for partial number of rows of a transaction.


Only the authorized rows are processed and a message displays the number of processed rows.

When you define related content services, you should document the service and how the service parameters should be mapped to transaction content, especially if your service uses multiple, complex service parameters. The components and pages can include numerous fields, some of which are named similarly, which can make mapping the service parameters difficult.

Use the help text to clearly communicate the values that must be assigned to the service parameters. The text that you enter is accessible to the subject matter expert when she clicks the Read help text link on the Related Content Service - Configure Service page.

Important! You must use explicit, concise, clear, understandable language in your instructions.

Access the Related Content Service Definition - Help information page. (On the Define Related Content Service page, click the Write help text button.)

Image: Related Content Service Definition - Help information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Related Content Service Definition - Help information page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Related Content Service Definition - Help information page

Field or Control


Service Name

Displays the name of the related content service. This field is display-only.


Click to save the text and return to the Related Content Service Definition page.

Note: You must save the service definition to save the help text.


Click to discard any changes and return to the Related Content Service Definition page.

To write help text for a related content service definition:

  1. Enter help information for the related content service definition in the editor window.

  2. Click the OK button.

    This returns you to the Related Content Service Definition page.

  3. Save the definition.

Access the Copy Related Content Service Definition page. (On the Define Related Content Service page, click the Copy Service Definition button.)

Image: Copy Related Content Service Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Related Content Service Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Related Content Service Definition page

To copy a related content service definition:

  1. Enter a new value in the Service ID field.

  2. Enter a new value in the Service Name field.

  3. Click the Save button.

    A message appears indicating a successful save.

  4. Click the OK button to dismiss the message box.

  5. Click the Go to Related Content Service Definition link that appears to access the new related content service definition or click the Cancel button to close the dialog box.