Step 4: Selecting a Pagelet Display Format

This section discusses how to select a display format. This is step 4 in the Pagelet Wizard pagelet creation process.

Access the Select Display Format page. (Select PeopleTools > Portal > Pagelet Wizard > Pagelet Wizard. On the Specify Data Source Parameters page, click the Next button.)

Image: Select Display Format page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Select Display Format page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Select Display Format page

Select the format to use for the pagelet. The display formats that are available for selection on this page depend on the data source that you have selected on the Select Data Source page. Options are:

Field or Control



Available for query and rowset data source pagelets.


Available for query and rowset data source pagelets.


Available for query and rowset data source pagelets.


Available for Navigation Collection data source pagelets.

Search List

Available for search record data source pagelets.


Available for activity guide, free text, HTML, OBIEE, and pivot grid data source pagelets.


Available for activity guide, free text, HTML, navigation collection, query, rowset, and search record data source pagelets.