Using Text Strings as Parameters in Functions

The following rules apply when text strings are used as parameters in functions:

  • Text strings supplied as parameters for a function must always be wrapped in quotes, regardless of whether they appear in the Recognition field or the Value field.

  • The CONCAT() function should be used to return a text string containing special characters such as ampersands that could be interpreted as a variable reference.

  • Double quotes (““) should be used to return one quotes character. Consequently, when a final text string result is expected to include leading and trailing quotes characters, the parameter supplied should be lead and trailed by three quotes characters, for example, ”””Hello”””.

  • To include a line break within a text string, use <NL>. For example:

    prompt=Newline Message Prompt!!<NL>Line1<NL>Line2<NL>Line3

    Creates the following text string:

    Newline Message Prompt!! Line1 Line2 Line3

    Newline Message Prompt!!

Note: PTF will return an error (unrecognized / illegal variable format) if the user fails to wrap a text string being supplied as a parameter for a function in quotes.

This table shows examples of the text string used in the recognition field assuming the variable&MyVar is set to “Hello” (&MyVar=”Hello”) and the expected results:


Expected Result

CONCAT("&MyVar = "

| &MyVar)

&MyVar = Hello

SUBSTR("Hello" | 1 | 5 )


SUBSTR("""Hello """| 1 | 7 )


INSTR("Hello" | "e" )


INSTR("""Hello"""| "e" )


INSTR("""Hello""" | ""e"")


INSTR(Hello | e )

PTF returns error message