Configuring Thresholds

Use the Configure Thresholds page to configure the basic threshold settings for the grids and charts. Note that all threshold settings are applied for both classic and fluid views.

  • For the grids, the thresholds will appear as colored cells if the cell values are over the threshold values that you have specified.

  • For the charts, the values in the Reference Areas and Reference Lines fields from the sub product PeopleSoft Charting are applied.

Access the Configure Thresholds page by:

  1. Selecting Reporting Tools, Pivot Grid, Pivot Grid Wizard.

  2. Accessing the Specify Data Model Options page - Step 4 of the wizard.

  3. Clicking the Define Thresholds link displayed under Define Threshold column in the Specify Axis Information grid.

Image: Configure Thresholds page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Thresholds page. Definitions for the fields and controls appear following the example.

Configure Thresholds page

Field or Control


Data Source Column

Displays the name of the field for which the threshold is being defined.

Note: Only fields that are set to Value can apply threshold.

Threshold Type

Set the threshold type. The available options are:

  • Distinct

  • Range

If the Distinct option is selected:

  • Pivot Grid displays the Threshold Value field that enables you to specify a single threshold value.

  • This value is plotted on the chart as a single line. In the grid any value crossing the distinct threshold value has the grid cell marked with color.

    A single threshold value is considered as having crossed the threshold if that single threshold value is plotted on the Pivot Grid model and that single threshold value is above the value set in the Threshold Value dropdown list.

If the Range option is selected:

  • Pivot Grid displays the Lower Limit and Higher Limit fields that enable you to specify a range of minimum and maximum threshold values.

  • A range value is a part of the threshold if that range value is plotted on the Pivot Grid model and that range value falls in the limit range.

Threshold Value

Specify a single threshold value.

The field is available when the Threshold Type is set to Distinct.

Lower Limit and Higher Limit

Specify a range of minimum and maximum threshold values.

These fields are available when the Threshold Type is set to Range.

Threshold Color

Select one color from the list of 18 available colors. The color that you select in this list will appear in the grids and the charts for the values that are above the threshold.

The available colors are derived from the supported colors for PeopleSoft Charting.

Note: Only one color can be specified for a threshold.

Threshold Description

Enter the text that will appear when you hover over the charting reference areas and lines.


Set a condition to trigger a verification of a threshold violation when the condition is met. The dropdown values are displayed according to the Threshold Type.

  • Distinct

    • Equal To

    • Not Equal To

    • Greater Than

    • Less Than

  • Range

    • In Range

    • Above Range

    • Below Range

    • Out of Range

Note: A consolidated notification for each fact is sent to users when the criteria matches.

Default Notification List

Select users by their user ids or roles to receive the notification.

In addition to setting the notification conditions in the Configure Thresholds dialog box, you can opt to disable user personalization of threshold. By default pivot grid allows user personalization of threshold from the pivot grid model views of the threshold. See Display Options.

Use the Configure Notifications dialog box to configure threshold settings for individual data points on the X-axis. Note that all threshold settings are applied for both classic and fluid views.

To access the Configure Notifications dialog box:

  1. In the Pivot Grid Viewer, click on any data point on the grid or chart to display the Actions menu.

  2. Click on the Configure Notifications menu option to display the Configure Notifications dialog box.

Image: Configure Notifications dialog box

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Notifications dialog box. Definitions for the fields and controls appear following the example.

Configure Notifications dialog box

Field or Control


Enable Alerts

Use this switch to enable or disable alerts.

Alert Criteria

Set a condition to trigger a verification of a threshold violation when the condition is met. The drop down values are displayed according to the Threshold Type.

  • Distinct

    • Equal To

    • Not Equal To

    • Greater Than

    • Less Than

  • Range

    • In Range

    • Above Range

    • Below Range

    • Out of Range

Apply To All

Set this switch to N to apply the threshold configuration to a single data point.

Set this switch to Y to apply the threshold configuration to all data points on the X-axis.

This option is available when the chart contains a dual Y-axis. You can set thresholds for a dual Y-axis from the Threshold Personalization dialog box in Pivot Grid Viewer.

Note: The behavior of the Dual Y axis feature applies to both classic and fluid views.

To access the Threshold Personalization dialog box:

  1. In the Pivot Grid Viewer, click on the Options Menu.

  2. Click on the Threshold Options menu option to display the Threshold Personalization dialog box.

Image: Threshold Personalization dialog box

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Threshold Personalization dialog box.

Threshold Personalization dialog box

Pivot Grid administrators have to set the frequency at which notifications are sent to users. Only authorized users get the notification. For details see Configuring Notification Frequency.

Authorized users can personalize thresholds on the pivot grid model from the viewer. Opt to change threshold values of a model from the Options Menu. See Describing the Options Menu.

Image: Threshold personalizations

The example displays the Threshold Personalizations dialog box. The fields and controls are similar to the fields on the Configure Thresholds dialog box

Threshold Personalization dialog box

The following sections display how thresholds appear in pivot grid views.

Threshold Type Distinct on Chart View

Image: Threshold Type Distinct on Chart View

This example shows the thresholds for the Unit Cost column in a Pivot Grid chart. The threshold type is set to Distinct, the color is set to green, and the value is set to 12000.

Threshold Type Distinct on Chart View

Threshold Type Range on Chart View

Image: Threshold Type Range on Chart View

This example shows the thresholds for the Unit Cost column in a Pivot Grid chart. The threshold type is set to Range, the lower limit is set to 15000, the higher limit is set to 18000, and the color is set to green.

Threshold Type Range on Chart View

Displaying Thresholds for a Dual Y-Axis

Image: Thresholds for Dual Y-Axis

This example shows thresholds for the Inv Amt column and the PreLoad Ind column in a Pivot Grid chart.

The threshold type for Inv Amt is set to Distinct, the threshold value is set to 2000000, and the color is set to red.

The threshold type for PreLoad Ind is set to Range. The lower limit is set to 4, the higher limit is set to 6, and the color is set to green.

Thresholds for Dual Y-Axis

Threshold Type Set to Distinct in Grid View

Image: Threshold Type Set to Distinct in Grid View

This example shows the thresholds for the Unit Cost column in a pivot grid. The threshold type is set to Distinct, the value is set to 12000, and the color is set to green. Note that all the facts that are plotted on the grid can have thresholds configured.

Threshold Type Distinct on Grid View