Developing PeopleCode for Applying Digital Signatures for PDF Report Output

This topic provides a high-level overview of PeopleCode for applying digital signatures to PDF report output.

See the PeopleTools 8.55: PeopleCode API Reference documentation for more detailed information about the application classes and methods for implementing this feature.

The following PeopleCode is used in conjunction with applying digital signatures to PDF report output.

Field or Control



Application developers requesting report signing should create an application class implemented with this interface.

This application class should have application-specific logic which maps a digital signature ID to application class input properties. The application class should interact with the PT_SECURITY_DIGITALCERTSTORE application class to retrieve digital certificate information.

On the Report Definition – Properties page, the report developer defines the name of this application class to map the generated PDF output to the signing authority.


Use this application class to store and retrieve digital certificates in the database keystore.

This application class contains the logic to:

  • Provide an external caller with information regarding digital certificates (PFX file) that are stored in the PeopleSoft database keystore.

  • Extract a PFX file to a specified location and provide the caller with an encrypted password to open/use the certificate.