Viewing Definition Groups (Windows Client)

This topic discusses viewing definition groups in Definition Security in the Microsoft Windows client. This section discusses how to:

  • Select a view.

  • View all definitions.

  • View definitions of a specific type.

You can select how you view a definition group by using the View menu, or by selecting an item from the drop-down list box that appears at the top of the application window when you have a definition group open.

To see the entire definition group, select View, All Definitions.

You see every definition, regardless of type, assigned to the definition group. There are two columns: Type and Name.

  • Type identifies the definition type, as in page, query, and so on.

  • Name refers to the name given to the definition when it was created.

To view definitions of a particular type that belong to a definition group, select View, Pages.

The view window is split vertically into two list boxes. The box on the left contains a list of definitions that belong to the definition group and are of the selected type.

The list box on the right is the Excluded definition_type list. The label for the definition type changes according to the definition type you are viewing. For example, when you view pages, the label is Excluded Pages, and when you view menus, the label reads Excluded Menus, and so on. The Excluded definition_type list box displays the names of all the definitions of the selected type that are not included in the current definition group.