Using PSSQR.EXE Command-Line Options

The PeopleSoft system provides a shell called pssqr.exe that extends SQR to handle the submission of SQR programs under Microsoft Windows and UNIX/Linux operating systems. Pssqr.exe implements a process that ensures that output is sent to the appropriate destination in a way that is consistent across platforms.

Note: PeopleSoft does not support running pssqr.exe directly from a DOS or Unix/Linux command line. Pssqr.exe is a wrapper program used by PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run SQR reports; it is not designed to run manually outside of Process Scheduler.

Pssqr.exe does not run on OS/390, however, all output formats are supported on all platforms.

Pssqr.exe provides the following features:

  • Expanded output formats: SQR Viewer, HTML, PDF, CSV (Spreadsheet Standard), HP, Postscript, Line Printer.

  • Expanded printer format: Microsoft Windows Default Printer (Win32 only), HP, Postscript, Line Printer.

  • Enhanced delivery of reports to printers: PSSQR sends reports to the printer instead of SQR, which resolves issues that can be encountered on non-Microsoft networks.

  • File output and logs with unique names. If the process instance is sent, the file names will be <SQR Program>_<Instance>.xxx.

    If not, then the log names will be <SQR Program>_<timestamp>.xxx.

  • Common command line interface for both Microsoft Windows and UNIX/Linux.

  • Capability to read Configuration Manager settings to determine the flags (SQRFLAGS) to use.

  • Support for multiple report output.

    Default values come from Configuration Manager if run from the command line.

This table describes the command-line parameters:

Command-Line Parameter



Database type. Valid values are ORACLE, DB2, DB2390, and MICROSFT.


Server name.


Database owner. This parameter applies to OS/390 only.


Database name.


Access ID.


Access password.


Program name.


Process instance.


Run control ID.


User ID.


Output type:

  • 2 (File)

  • 3 (Printer)

  • 4 (Window)


Output format. Column headings refer to the -OT parameter.

  • 2 (Adobe Acrobat)

  • 3 (Comma delimited)

  • 4 (HP format)

  • 5 (HTML documents)

  • 6 (Line printer)

  • 10 (Postscript)

  • 13 (SQRiBE portable)

  • 14 (Text files)

  • 15 (Windows default printer)


Output destination.


Multiple report output. Values: # (maximum 99)


Additional flags.


Additional information.


Enable trace.


Display log file.


Enter the name of a parameter file containing the parameters you want to pass to PSSQR. The system deletes the file immediately after use.


Language Code. Takes a three-letter language code used across PeopleSoft systems. This flag is used to determine which language version of the PSPSPSPSSQR.INI file to use. If you specify LG JPN, then pssqr.exe picks up the Japanese configuration file (PSSQRJPN.INI) instead of PSPSPSPSSQR.INI. This parameter takes effect only when the %LANGUAGE_CD% variable is used for specifying the PSPSPSPSSQR.INI file in PSSQRFLAGS entry of the Process Scheduler configuration or Configuration Manager.

-LPFLAGS "<flags>"

UNIX\Linux only: Overrides the flags passed to the lp command.


Displays command used to print the SQR report.

Note: Avoid using a hyphen (-) or @ sign in the PSSQR.EXE command line, for instance, as part of the run control ID. The hyphen (-) and @ sign characters are SQR-reserved characters.