Understanding SQR Capabilities That Are Available with HTML

The SQR language has a rich set of features, but some of these features are not available for HTML output because of the limitations of that format.

The SQR features that are supported for HTML include:

  • Images.

  • Font sizing.

    The SQR language specifies font sizes in points. HTML specifies font sizes in a value from 1 to 6. A point size that is specified in an SQR program is mapped to an appropriate HTML font size.

  • Font styles.

    The bold and underline font styles are supported.

  • Centering.

The SQR features that are not currently supported for HTML output include:

  • Font selection.

  • Bar codes.

  • Lines and boxes (using -PRINTER:HT).

Note: You can generate professional quality HTML report files with SQR without being an HTML expert. However, if you want to adapt HTML output by using the SQR HTML procedures, you may want to learn more about HTML.