Application Server Timeouts

All configurable settings for the application server require modification in PSADMIN:


In This File



JOLT Listener/Client CleanupTimeout


Specify the inactivity interval permitted for the server-side JoltSession.

Specifying too low a value can cause unnecessary reinstantiation of resources for clients who surpass this inactivity interval. However, specifying too high a value can keep unnecessary server-side resources allocated.

Note: This setting doesn't affect the user experience, but it has an impact on server-side performance.

10 minutes

JOLT Listener/Init Timeout


Specify the amount of time that's allowed for the JSL process to start.

Note: It's not necessary to adjust this setting.

5 minutes

Workstation Listener/Client Cleanup Timeout


Specify the inactivity interval permitted for the server-side Workstation Listener Session.

Specifying too low a value can cause unnecessary reinstantiation of resources for clients who surpass this inactivity interval. However, specifying too high a value can keep unnecessary server-side resources allocated.

Note: This value is required only for three-tier connections.

60 minutes

Workstation Listener/init Timeout


Specify the amount of time that's allowed for the WSL process to start.

Note: It's not necessary to adjust this setting.

This value is required only for three-tier connections.

5 minutes

Spawn Threshold


Applies only if spawning is enabled.

Specify the rates at which PSAPPSRV processes spawn and decay.

The spawn rate is determined by the last two numbers, and the decay rate is determined by the first two numbers.

Using the default value as an example, for the spawn rate of 1,1 an extra PSAPPSRV process is spawned if there is at least 1 outstanding service request on the application server request queue for 1 second or more. This spawning will continue until the PSAPPSRV Max Instances value is reached.

For the decay rate of 1,600 a server process is decayed if less than 1 service request is in the application server request queue for 600 seconds (ten minutes) or more.

Note: This parameter applies only if, for PSAPPSRV, the value of Max Instances is greater than that of Min Instances.


Service Timeout


Each server process has its own instance of this setting in its section of the psappsrv.cfg file.

Specify the maximum interval for services to run in a given process. If a service has not completed within the specified interval, Tuxedo terminates the server processing and restarts the server process.

For each server process, specify the longest time that any service is expected to take.

Note: A value of 0 produces an indefinite timeout for any service.

PSAPPSRV: 300 seconds (5 minutes)

PSSAMSRV: 300 seconds

PSQCKSRV: 300 seconds

PSQRYSRV: 1200 seconds (20 minutes)

PSBRKHND_dflt: 1200 seconds

PSSUBHND_dflt: 1200 seconds

PSPUBHND_dflt: 1200 seconds

Restart Period



Specify how long each dispatcher should wait before redispatching a message if the associated handler has not started processing it.

120 seconds


psappsrv.ubx (which is the template for psappsrv.env)

Specify the time period that a domain server process (for example, PSAPPSRV, PSWATCHSRV, PSSAMSRV) is permitted to remain in restarting mode before it is killed by Tuxedo. This setting resolves processes hanging during restart.

Note: To modify this setting, you must change the value in the .UBX template file, then recreate your domain.

60 seconds (one minute)