Installing Change Assistant

Change Assistant runs on supported Microsoft Windows workstations and limited use on Linux.

Complete installation instructions for Change Assistant appear in your PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation guide.

See PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for your database platform: Installing PeopleSoft Change Assistant

For hardware and software requirements, consult My Oracle Support, Certifications.

Microsoft Windows

Change Assistant can be installed from:

Note: A new version of Change Assistant is delivered with each PeopleTools patch.

PeopleSoft Change Assistant installation includes the following features:

  • You can install multiple instances of PeopleSoft Change Assistant (PeopleTools 8.55 and above) on one physical machine.

    Note: Multiple Instances of Change Assistant can run in parallel starting with PeopleTools 8.56, however you can not run multiple instances against the same target database. See Running Multiple Instances of Change Assistant

  • You must install each PeopleSoft Change Assistant instance in a separate installation location.

  • You can remove or upgrade each PeopleSoft Change Assistant instance separately.

  • When you remove an installation instance, you have the option to save the existing configuration information in a group of files gathered in a zip archive. You can configure Change Assistant at a later time by importing the zip file.


When you install the PeopleTools DPK for Linux, you can select to install Change Assistant.

Linux only supports a command line version of Change Assistant for Update Manager mode.

Linux is not supported for target databases that are below PeopleTools 8.55.16.

PeopleTools Client deployment is documented in PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.5x Deployment Packages Installation, Task 2-5: Deploying the PeopleTools Client DPK. The directions here only refer to the Change Assistant portion.

When you deploy PeopleTools Client in standalone mode using (SetupPTClient.bat -t), you will be prompted whether or not to install Change Assistant.

Do you want to install Change Assistant? [Y/N]:

If you answer y (yes), specify the installation directory, or accept the default, C:\ProgramFiles\PeopleSoftChange Assistant:

Please specify the directory to install Change Assistant [C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant]:

If you enter a directory where a previous version of Change Assistant is installed, it will upgrade that version to the new PeopleTools release/patch. If you enter a new directory, a new instance of Change Assistant will be installed.

Windows Client Installation is documented in PeopleSoft Deployment Packages for Update Images Installation (PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.5x), Task 2-6: Deploying the PeopleTools Client DPKs in Update Manager Mode.

When you deploy PeopleTools Client in Update Manager Mode from the tools_client directory using (SetupPTClient.bat), Change Assistant is always installed for PeopleTools release of the PUM Source.

Setup.bat is located in the PS_HOME\setup\PsCA directory.

You can use Setup.bat to create a new instance of Change Assistant, update an existing instance or delete an existing instance.

Installing a New Instance of Change Assistant using Setup.bat

To install a new instance of Change Assistant:

  1. From the PS_HOME\setup\PsCA directory, run Setup.bat.

    Note: If you have existing instances of Change Assistant and select to install a new instance the same wizard is used.

  2. Enter 1 on the PeopleSoft Change Assistant menu.

  3. Accept the default Destination Folder or enter the path for Change Assistant. The default destination folder is C:\PS\Change Assistant.

    PeopleSoft Change Assistant
      1) New Installation
      2) Maintain or Update
      q) Quit
    Command to execute (1-2, q):1
    PeopleSoft will install Change Assistant to the following directory .
    Destination Folder [C:\PS\Change Assistant] :

    If the installer detects an existing installation in the destination folder that you specified, you see a message telling you to uninstall the instance.

    Change Assistant already installed in this path. Please uninstall it before new installation Exiting installer after deteciting old installation
  4. When the copy is complete, a shortcut to the new Change Assistant will appear on your desktop.

Uninstalling PeopleSoft Change Assistant Instances in the Current Release

To uninstall an instance of Change Assistant:

  1. From the PS_HOME\setup\PsCA directory, run Setup.bat.

  2. Enter 2 on the PeopleSoft Change Assistant menu.

    PeopleSoft Change Assistant
      1) New Installation
      2) Maintain or Update
      q) Quit
    Command to execute (1-2, q):2
  3. Select the installed instance you want to uninstall.

    Please select the instance of Change Assistant :
    1) Change Assistant  2 PT856.07 C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant
    2) Change Assistant  3 PT857.01 C:\CA
    Command to execute (1-2, q):1
  4. Enter 2 to uninstall the selected instance.

    Please select the activity :
    1) Upgrade Selected Instance
    2) Uninstall Selected Instance
    Command to execute (1-3, q):2
  5. When you uninstall an instance of Change Assistant, you have the option of retaining the existing configuration. If you select 2, you will see a message that gives the name of the backupconfiguration file, such as, and the installation location where you can find it, for example C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant.

    Please select the activity :
    1)Without Retaining existing configuration
    2)Retaining existing configuration
    Command to execute (1-3, q):1

Updating Existing Instance of Change Assistant

To update an existing instance of Change Assistant:

  1. From the PS_HOME\setup\PsCA directory, run Setup.bat.

  2. Enter 2 on the PeopleSoft Change Assistant menu.

    PeopleSoft Change Assistant
      1) New Installation
      2) Maintain or Update
      q) Quit
    Command to execute (1-2, q):2
  3. Select the installed instance you want to update.

    Please select the instance of Change Assistant :
    1) Change Assistant  1 PT856.07 C:\ca856
    2) Change Assistant  4 PT857.01 C:\PS\Change Assistant
    Command to execute (1-2, q):1
  4. Select to upgrade the selected instance.

    Please select the activity :
    1) Upgrade Selected Instance
    2) Uninstall Selected Instance
    Command to execute (1-3, q):1
  5. Select if you want to retain the existing configuration.

    Please select the activity :
    1)Without Retaining existing configuration
    2)Retaining existing configuration
    Command to execute (1-3, q):2

    If you retain the existing configuration, the configuration will be automatically imported when you open the Change Assistant instance.

You can carry out a silent installation of PeopleSoft Change Assistant by supplying command-line parameters to a script. With silent installation there is no user interaction after you begin the installation.

You can use install and upgrade PeopleSoft Change Assistant instances in silent mode for the current PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. In addition, you can use silent mode to remove installations from the current or earlier PeopleSoft PeopleTools releases. For example, running the silent mode installation from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.56 will remove a Change Assistant installation from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54 or earlier, and also install the 8.56 version of Change Assistant.

The PeopleSoft Change Assistant installer includes the following files in the directory PS_HOME\setup\PsCA:

  • silentInstall.bat — Use this script to upgrade or remove an existing PeopleSoft Change Assistant instance or install a new instance.

    Do not edit this file. The file includes instructions in the header portion. For more information see PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation on Oracle (PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.57), “Using the Silent Mode Script”.

  • CA-silentInstall-ResultCodes.rtf — Review this file to interpret the results seen in the PS_HOME\setup\psCA\setup.log file after installation.

    The file is in Rich Text Format (RTF), and is most easily read if you open it with word processing software such as Microsoft Word.

Using the Silent Mode Script

The PeopleSoft Change Assistant silent mode script requires the following command-line parameters:

  • Install Home

    Specify the installation location for the PeopleSoft Change Assistant instance. If the location includes spaces, surround it with double quotes, such as "C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant". You must specify a different installation location for each instance.

  • Install Type

    • Specify NEW to create a new PeopleSoft Change Assistant instance.

    • Specify UPGRADE to upgrade an existing instance that was installed from the current PeopleSoft PeopleTools release.

    • Specify UNINSTALL to remove an existing PeopleSoft Change Assistant instance.

  • Backup Config

    • Specify BACKUP to create a zip file containing files with configuration information. The backup file,, is saved in the installation location.

    • Specify NOBACKUP if you do not want to create a backup file with the configuration information.

To use the PeopleSoft Change Assistant silent installation script:

  1. In a command prompt, go to PS_HOME\setup\PsCA.

    Note: Do not move the file to another location.

  2. Run the following command:

    silentInstall.bat [Install Home] [Install Type] [Backup Config]

    You must include all three parameters. For example:

    • To install a new instance without retaining a configuration file.

      silentInstall.bat "C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant" NEW NOBACKUP
    • To upgrade an existing instance, and retain a configuration file:

      silentInstall.bat "C:\Program Files\PeopleSoft\Change Assistant 3" UPGRADE BACKUP
    • To remove an existing instance, and retain a configuration file:

      silentInstall.bat D:\CA UNINSTALL BACKUP

In the browser, navigate to the PeopleTools Options page (PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options) and make sure that the Environment Long Name and Environment Short Name are specified correctly.

The Environment Management Framework and Change Assistant use these values, along with the GUID, to identify an environment and associate environment information with a particular named environment. Likewise, it enables you to search for updates for a specific environment.