Working With Page Elements

This section provides an overview of PeopleSoft page element types and discusses how to use data-entry fields.

PeopleSoft applications include three types of page elements: aesthetic, functional, and data-entry fields. Although you should be aware of all page element types, you interact mostly with data-entry fields as you work in your application.

Aesthetic Page Elements

Aesthetic elements help organize or emphasize different fields or information on a page. You do not use these elements to update data in the database; they are purely visual. This table describes aesthetic elements:




Display-only box that groups a set of fields on a page.

Group box

Display-only box, with text labels, that groups and identifies related fields, such as options.

Horizontal rule

Display-only horizontal line that separates fields or other elements on a page.

Static image

Unchanging graphic, such as your company logo or another visual element.

Static text

Display-only alphanumeric field that describes a page, field, or group of fields.

Functional Page Elements

Functional elements are controls, such as buttons and links, that perform a specific function. Aside from the standard toolbar buttons at the bottom of a page, your transaction page may include buttons and links that are not associated with a grid or scroll area. For example, a button next to a field may perform a calculation based on a value that you entered. You can activate this button by clicking it or by pressing the Enter key while the element has the focus. You can also activate links by pressing the Enter key.

Data-Entry Fields

Pages can include several types of data-entry fields, each designed to provide a simple way to enter and update data in your tables.

Data-entry fields are always associated with specific database fields. These date-entry fields are commonly used:

Field or Control


Check boxes and radio buttons

Select a check box or radio button to enable an option. Typically, you select one by clicking within it or pressing the space bar when the box is highlighted. Click it again or press the space bar to disable the option.

Check boxes correspond to fields with only two valid values. You can often select more than one check box in a related set. In contrast, a related set of radio buttons represents a group of mutually exclusive options; typically, you can only select one radio button within a related set.

Edit boxes

Enter characters or numbers into edit boxes. The character limit is determined by the length of the database field. Edit boxes for fields with prompt tables have a lookup button to the right. Edit boxes with spell check enabled have a spell check button to the right.

Long edit boxes

Enter longer strings of data, such as comments, into long edit boxes. These boxes store free-form text. If you type more lines than you can see at one time, use the scroll bar on the right to move through the text. Long edit boxes with spell check enabled have a spell check button in the upper-right corner. Long edit boxes that are rich text enabled have multiple formatting controls at the top of the edit box.

See Working With Rich Text Editor Fields.

Drop-down list boxes

Select a value from a predefined list. Drop-down list boxes look like a data-entry field with a prompt button at one end. Click the prompt button to display a list of valid values from which you can select a single option.


Insert photos or other images into a PeopleSoft application. The format of the image that you insert must match the image format defined for that field by the application developer. Acceptable formats include JPG, BMP, GIF, and DIB. For example, on the Employee Photo page, you can only insert JPG images into the employee photo field. If you try to upload an image of another format, the system displays an error message.

Grids and scroll areas

These data-entry fields serve as containers or organizers for multi-field data entry. Grids appear as a spreadsheet within a page. Scroll areas are like grids except that the fields are arranged in a free-form manner. Both contain rows of data that may include Add, Multi-Row Insert, or Delete buttons. Most include a navigation bar or footer with multiple control and configuration options.

You can think of all of the fields in each of these controls as belonging to one table in your database. Each time that you add a new row, you are actually adding a new row of data to the database table, each of which shares the same high-level key. For example, for employee records, you may have more than one emergency contact listed for each employee. If you have two emergency contacts listed for an employee, each of those contacts has that employee’s ID number as a key field. If you insert a new row, the system automatically copies the shared key data into the new row.

Moving Among Fields

To move among the data-entry fields on a page, press the tab key or click the field once. Pressing tab moves you one field at a time in a sequence determined in the page definition. Pressing tab also rests on prompts to give you the option of viewing the prompt table or calendar. To open a prompt or calendar, you can press enter or, to get to the next field, press tab again. Press Shift+Tab to move backward rather than forward in the tabbing order.

Note: Pressing Tab may yield different results if you have modified page tabbing behavior on the My Personalizations page.

Important! If you are entering data and moving through fields on a page quickly (using the TAB key for example), make sure to pay attention to the "processing" image that displays while the system interprets the data you entered previously. Do not enter data into another field until the system has processed the data for the previous field and the "processing" image no longer appears. Entering data too quickly and not allowing enough time for any system processing can result in page failure or data loss.

Required Fields

In most applications, required fields are marked with an asterisk. You must enter data into that field to continue to the next field or to save the page. When the developer has set deferred processing mode for the page, you may not be informed that a field is required until you attempt to save or leave the page. If you save the page without entering required data, the field turns red and an error message appears on the page. Click OK within the error message and then enter the correct data in that field. Required fields are often drop-down list boxes or are accompanied by a prompt button to help you enter the correct data.