Understanding Workflow Activity Guides

Workflow activity guides are navigational aids for end users. A workflow activity guide integrates a single map into the related transactional pages. Although workflow activity guides can benefit all users, they are particularly appropriate for guiding untrained users through self-service transactions.

A workflow activity guide appears as a navigation bar across the top of a page. The bar displays each step that is involved in the activity. Clicking a step takes you to the page where you can complete the step; the navigation bar remains visible as you move from page to page.

Note: The term activity guide can also refer to a navigational aid that is used within a workcenter. To avoid confusion, in the context of this documentation, we use the term workflow activity guide to refer to an activity guide that is specifically used for workflow.

Creating an activity for a workflow activity guide is similar to creating an activity for a workflow application. You create the new activity and add steps corresponding to the pages that make up the activity. You must, however, set a few extra options.

After you create a workflow activity guide, modify the target pages for each step so that those pages display the workflow activity guide.

The pages don’t show the workflow activity guide when you use the standard PeopleSoft portal navigational structures. Therefore, your final task is to create a mechanism for users to access the activity.