Running Workflow Reports

To run workflow reports, use the Worklist Averages (WF_RPT_AVERAGE) and Worklist Totals (WF_RPT_TOTALS) components.

This section provides an overview of workflow reports and discusses how to run workflow reports.

PeopleSoft delivers standard reports that provide status information about the work that your users are accomplishing. The reports fall into two categories:

  • Worklist Averages reports, which provide average processing times for completed work items.

  • Worklist Totals reports, which count work items by status.

For both types of reports, you can see information about all of your users for all of your business processes, or you can limit the report to specific users or business processes.

The following table describes the available reports and notes the required parameters.



Required Parameters

WFA0001 Workflow - Avg by BP/WL

Reports average processing time for all business processes for a given list of users, grouping them by business process and worklist.

WL User Reporting Pool

WFA0002 Workflow - Avg by BP/WL/Oper

Reports average processing time for all business processes for all users, grouping them by user , business process, and worklist.

WFA0003 Workflow - Avg by Operator

Reports average processing time for all business processes for a given list of users, grouping them by user , business process, and activity.

WL User Reporting Pool

WFA0004 Workflow- Avg by BP/WL All Opr

Reports average processing time for all business processes for all users, grouping them by business process and activity.

WFA0005 Workflow - Avg for a Single BP

Reports average processing time for the specified business process for a specified list of users.

WL User Reporting Pool, Business Process Name

Access the Worklist Averages or Worklist Totals page.

Because the two types of reports have similar reporting parameters, the pages look similar. The pages behave differently, however. Worklist Averages reports the work items completed during the specified time range, and Worklist Totals reports the work items in the worklists by status.

To run workflow reports:

  1. Enter the time span for the report to cover.

    The two date and time boxes specify the time period for the report. On the Worklist Averages Run page, enter values for the Worked Datetime From and Worked Datetime To fields. The reports include only work items that are marked as worked during the specified time period. On the Worklist Totals Run page, enter values for the Available Datetime From and Available Datetime To fields. The reports include only work items that are added to the worklists during the time period.

  2. Specify the business process on which to report.

    Most of the reports include data about all your business processes, organized by worklist, by user, or both. However, you can report on a single business process. If you want the data for only one business process, select its name from the Business Process Name drop-down list box.

  3. Specify which users’ work items to include in the report.

    By default, the reports include work items that are assigned to all users. Limit the report to a specific set of users by selecting their user IDs in the WL User Reporting Pool field. If this field does not list users, the report includes all work items. If the field lists users, the reports include only work items that are assigned to those users.

  4. Click Run.

    The Process Scheduler Request page appears. The list box at the bottom of the page displays the available reports.

  5. Select the reports to run.

    The reports differ in how they organize the data. Both Worklist Averages and Worklist Totals offer reports organized by:

    • Business process and worklist.

    • Business process, worklist, and user.

    • User.

    • Business process and worklist with all users.

    • Information for a single business process only.

  6. Complete the Process Scheduler request.