Updating Shells - Cost Manager Node, Cost Sheet

Go to: Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > "Shell template" > Cost Manager > Cost Sheet

Cost Sheet Components in the Configuration Package

The system includes the following components of Cost Sheet in the Configuration Package (.zip file):


Field / Option

Cost Sheet / Properties / General


Cost Sheet / Properties / General


Cost Sheet / Properties / General

Default View

Cost Sheet / Properties / Structure

Structure option

Cost Sheet / Properties / Structure

All segments

Cost Sheet / Properties / Options


Cost Sheet / Properties / Options

Forecast Details option

Cost Sheet / Properties / Options

Forecast Inclusion

Cost Sheet / Properties / Options

Forecast Type

Cost Sheet / Properties / Options

P6 Integration: Enable P6 Sources.

When this option is selected, and if the Cost sheet has used any of the P6 Data Sources, then the Configuration Package will also include the P6 Data sources defined in Standards & Libraries. If the P6 data sources do not exist in this destination, then they will get created and be in a Published state.

The system currently allows up to 12 P6 data sources to be defined in the server. So, at the time of Import, checks will have to be made to ensure that the total number of P6 data sources does not exceed 12.

Cost Sheet / Columns / Column Properties

All options

Because the data source of a cost sheet column may be a Cost BP, additional checks are performed at the time of the Configuration Package creation to ensure that the BP is included in the Configuration Package as well.

If the entry method uses Work Sheet, the Worksheet must be included in the Configuration Package.

The package will also include the hidden columns.

Cost Sheet / Columns / Restrictions

Users and Groups setup for Restrictions.

Cost Sheet / Budget Distribution

The Budget Distribution option will be disabled at the Shell template level. Hence user cannot setup any distribution.

Cost Sheet / Fund Assignment order

The Fund assignment option will be disabled at the Shell template level.

Cost Sheet /CBS Codes

All rows which include CBS as well as Summary CBS codes along with the Breakdown.

Note: If the Cost Codes do not exist in the destination environment, that is, if user has not packaged the Cost Codes by selecting the options of Data Structure > Cost Codes at the time of Package creation, the cost codes used in the Cost sheet will be brought over. However, the value/label pair defined in the Cost Code definitions will not be brought over.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024